Isle event still bug..... Thank you bliz for the xmas gift

There is also something called “Continuous delivery” which in my world runs over your “no deploying on friday” mentality like a freight train… The no deploying on fridays is just a old expression from the 90’s and if you still live by that rule you should change work…

If you patch bugs on any given time and the patch did not fix the problem, then you roll back to previous state, this is done with vcs.

The whole “don’t deploy on fridays” is just used by stupid and lazy people that don’t test the code they are writing.

This is why test servers where invented, i can go on for days…

I have all stats gem on this character but i can’t find it at the vendor.

This only works if you have full confidence in your processes and your stuff is thoroughly tested. Even so, there can be factors that you cant or really hard to test and it is probably not part of the pipeline. Since blizzard was never had a release without bugs or breaking issues, not doing a release on friday or having a simple change freeze is not unreasanable. Software development is never black and white and you always have to work with facts. If you cannot deliver viable product, dont deploy to production on Friday period. What I dont understand is where this Friday stuff coming from since this was deployed on Wednesday. And also makes me wonder what the hell people are doing on public test realms apart from the useless influencers making their useless videos about it.

Fathomdweller? How come I did buy it from vendor on main and sent it to my alt?

You have to loot it from the event first though.

This is how it has worked in most corporates I have worked for and who follow strict CM protocols. Freeze before bank holidays or when you know you will have skeleton staff for what ever reason.

Theres 4 different vendors for the gems, make sure you check them all

Exactly that. Marketing for blizzard as influencers and people who can’t wait, get their latest bit of content early.

I would be amazed if any actual testing goes on outside of alpha and beta


What four?
1 Tortollan Taljori
2 Apprentice Tanmar
3 Earthen Angorla

Didi the Wrench? I think?
/way Siren Isle 71.26 46.00

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Blizz patched on Friday 20th to add in the ability to get all citrons in one week.

Hotfixes: December 20, 2024 — World of Warcraft — Blizzard News - News - EU - Blue Tracker

  • All Singing Citrines are now available.
    • Developers’ notes: This allows players to acquire all of them in the current week. The gems belonging to the goblins, Arathi, and Earthen should come from doing events on the isle that are started at the Siren Isle Command Map. After getting them once, you’ll be able to buy them and store them in your Warbank for your alts as usual. The gems that belong to enemy factions should now be purchasable from Taljori, the Tortollan vendor sitting on the large rock behind Bargus.

Okay, but it was screwed up way before that. Doing hotfixes on friday is not “violating” the no deploy on friday rule.

Well, my opinion is that it does if you don’t actually test the hotfix before you release it.

I work at the side of IT where you rely on companies creating reliable patches, and have seen multiple instances of poorly tested patches, even “minor” fixes reducing functionality or even completely breaking important aspects of systems. MS went through a bad patch with their Server updates including one that introduced a memory leak into some instances of Domain Controllers on latest version of Server OS. Another supplier made a rushed but important security patch to their system and it broke the system, and we needed to roll back. Another one of our suppliers, we simply don’t apply a patch until at least a month after release because that’s how long it takes for bugs to come to light.

If a change can break a system, it needs to be tested properly. In some situations it’s worth the risk (e.g. vital security issue or patching a patch that did break something) but the simple truth is that humans are human and bad patches happen no matter how careful the company thinks it’s being (see Cloudstrike). If you release a change that adds access to citrines but it doesn’t work, and in fact makes things worse for the players, and you release 12 days before you’ll be able to fix it then something has gone wrong in the change control department.

What? This is true for all deployments not just Friday ones lol :grinning: Hotfixes must go through the same pipeline as any other deployment. Of course you have to test it beforehand. But this does not change the fact that hotfixes not violating the standard no deploy on Friday rule. And like I pointed out the event was bugged before the hotfix. It was introduced with the Wednesday deploy.

It’s hilarious that people defend Blizz like they’re some sort of simp or something. It’s a game breaking bug that should have been fixed and not rely on players having to go above and beyond to work around it.

That being said, the times I’ve gotten the gem have been where I joined a raid group. It still isn’t a perfect situation as it still messes up, but that has been the best option.

I believe once gem is acquired first time it becomes available on vendor, correct me if i am wrong.

Yeah, turned out that i initially got it on an alt. That is why it don’t show up at vendor.

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