Issue with Glacial Tidestorm Mount Riding Animation - Seeking Awareness and Resolution

Hello Blizzard Customer Support,

Firstly, I would like to apologize if I have chosen the wrong category for my inquiry. I understand that selecting the appropriate category is important for efficient handling of support tickets. If necessary, please feel free to redirect my post to the correct section.

I want to emphasize that I am aware that this issue may not fall within the responsibilities of the Customer Support, and it might involve the work of a mount designer or related teams. However, I still wanted to reach out to inquire if the issue has been acknowledged.

I wanted to bring to your attention a potential issue with the riding animation of the Glacial Tidestorm mount in World of Warcraft. Currently, when riding the Glacial Tidestorm, the character appears to be sitting on the mount with the lower half of the character overlapping inside the mount’s body. This seems to differ from what is shown in the cutscene between the Doppelganger Duel and Fighting for the Forge, where Jaina is depicted riding her own Tidestorm like a surfboard.

In addition, in the early stages of the release, the character was standing on top of the mount. In the WoWhead video preview on the PTR, the character was still shown standing on it. Something must have changed after a weekly reset, perhaps a patch, but I can’t recall exactly when. After that, the character started overlapping inside the icy portion.

Blizzard is known for creating highly detailed mount designs, and even if overlapping was their intention, they would have likely incorporated a visual element such as a “pool of water” to give the illusion of floating inside it.

I was wondering if the team is aware of this inconsistency in the riding animation of the Glacial Tidestorm. It appears to be a bug or oversight that affects the overall immersion and visual experience of using the mount. If possible, could you provide any information about whether there are plans to address and fix this issue in a future update or patch?

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I appreciate your efforts in continually improving the game and ensuring a smooth and enjoyable player experience.

Mew / Aquiru

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