Issue with Pandaria Scenario Guild Achievement

I read to get the “Unga Ingoo Scenario” achievement for the guild, everyone in the group needs to hit the endboss. The problem is, even naked, he is a one-shot.

I also tried to do the scenario with a level 40 character, which shouldn’t one-shot the boss, but for some reason, I can’t do the scenario. It just says I do not meet the requirement. What requirement that is, it won’t say.
Any character that is 60 or above can do the scenario, but again, one-shot.

Any idea how to do the achievement?

Yes all 3 characters are in the same guild.

I note this comment from 9,0, after the level squish:

all end-game content is unlocked. With the exception of Scenarios, Hc Scenarios, and HC dungeons. These have level 50 requirements and I hope Blizzard could hear this plea to reduce the level cap to 35, alongside the other “endgame” Pandaria content.

So it seems the magic level is 50.

I don’t have a 50, but I tried a level 45, and confirmed 45 doesn’t do it whether in Chromie Time or not.

Some other random thoughts …

Running it on HC might help - maybe the boss has more HP? With 2 level 50s, and a higher level to get the kill.

What class has the weakest attack? I’m thinking something like Frost Nova, but I’m mage-centric :slight_smile: My level 70 Mage shows that Frost Nova does just 123 damage when naked.

Ofc remove any auto-damage trinkets or talents.

Does the

count as damage? Or is there some other damaging Toy or object? One of those low-level Engineering bombs?

Would it work for the two other characters to put a heal - maybe a HoT? - on the character that is going to one-shot the boss? Healers get credit even if they don’t attack the boss directly.


P.S. My 70 Mage, naked, hit the final boss on Normal with Frost Nova for 28,903, which didn’t kill him since his HP is 40K.

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We tried it again with a couple of mid-50s caster characters. Before the boss fight, we took off our clothes and everyone was able to hit him a couple of times.
However, we were still not able to get the guild achievement.

I think I need to contact a game master, as I assume the achievement “Scenario Roundup” might be bugged.
I defeated the boss today a dozen times.

At least we managed to land a couple of punches. Thanks for your help.

I spoke with the gamemaster about the scenario and confirmed that they can see that I’ve completed it. However, they are unable to assist further and suggested that I submit a bug report because the achievement appears to be bugged.

If a group of three people from the same guild can try to do the Guild Achievement ‘Scenario Roundup’ and specifically the scenario Unga Ingoo, who haven’t done it yet, it would be nice to know if this is a universal problem or just for my guild.

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