Issue with Random Dungeon Finder - Cooldown and Joining Mechanism

Dear Blizzard,
I would like to bring to your attention an issue with the RDF feature in World of Warcraft that I believe needs addressing.

Currently, when joining a dungeon through the RDF, players can either be placed in a new group or join an ongoing one. However, a problem arises if a player joins a group that is already at the final boss of the dungeon. In such cases, the player receives an unjust cooldown and is unable to rejoin RDF, as well as being unable to enter the dungeon if the boss encounter has already begun, which happens quite often.

This situation is frustrating as it penalizes players who are trying to participate and complete dungeons. It would greatly enhance the player experience if this issue were resolved. Specifically, I would suggest implementing a mechanism that removes the cooldown penalty when joining a group at the final boss or maybe just being able to join during the boss encounter in RDF only.

I know, such crazy thoughts I have on my money.

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