Issues with creating a lastname

Hey guys!

I wanted some advice as I’m hesitating a lot with a lastname for my character.

I wanted to highlight the fact that the name is related to his ancestors being dragonsworns long ago. Basically I wanted to add names like :

  • Dragonheart
  • Dragon blade
  • Dragonborn - I like this one but everyone makes it a Skyrim reference
  • Dragonsteel

Got some others in store but I’m not sure how that would be seen by the RP community. I’m not too keen on taking a typical name such as Sun-X

Any tips would be appreciated

Uhh. Dragon-anything doesn’t really sound like an elven surname.
I’d hit up the random name generator and get something fire related.
Emberheart, Flamesong and Firestrider is what comes to mind.


We know of at least one Night Elf who has Dragon in her surname - Kera Stardragon, one of the Priestesses of the Moon from Warcaraft 3. But apart from that Dragon seems exceptionally rare thing in surname.

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These are very good options Imo.

Depends on the elven origin, night elf, highborne, blood elf, nightborne.
All of them have their surnames derived from their nation and profession.
Example: A night elf would have their surname derived from stars, nature, night. Blood elves and Highborne usually have their surnames around Sun.

Go to Fantasynamegenerators . com ( cant send links apparantly :confused: )
It’s what I personally use for all my alts! :slight_smile:

I finally went with Ebonheart, I liked the sound lf it. :wink:

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Nice name :+1:

I would have suggested going the latin route :blush:

Dragonheart = Draco Cor Meum
Dragonblade = Dracoferrum
Dragonborn = Draconatus
Dragonsteel = Dracoferro

Of course just translating it roughly does makes it a little incorrect, but a lot of the real life latin translated names are the same :smile:

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