Issues with mouse and movement

Hi guys,

I have this issue with moving my character using my mouse. Before dragonflight launch I could click both buttons down and I would move then upon releasing the buttons my character would stop, but now my cursor disappears and my character gets stuck on moving. This is horrible to play with and not what I’m used too. The only way I stop this is to press my left or right button until I stop running. Has anyone else had this?

I definately do not have auto run bound to my mouse it is on default and I have tried deleting all addons, resetting key binds and reinstalling the game.

Thanks for any help.

I move my character the same way you do, but haven’t experienced this issue. Have you tried disabling all your addons to see if that helps? I removed some at start of pre-patch because I was getting constant DCs.

Yes I’ve currently got all addons deleted. Still cannot move just by click both mouse buttons at same time, can move by clicking right then left but that triggers auto run and locks my camera in an annoying way.

Weird. Have you tried a different mouse? Maybe its a driver problem. Other than that, I have no further ideas other than repairing or doing a clean install of the game :frowning:

Change game to fullscreen or border window fullscreen if it will help.

I’ve not tried a different mouse but I will try that next, weird though as I was ok with this mouse before dragonflight. I did get my PC done up the first week of dragonflight (new graphics card, more RAM, new motherboard and processor), could it maybe be from new hardward that’s not the mouse?

I have had this issue too. Or rather, still have it… and now I am here because I just lost the ability to move to the left and right with the keyboard(I use both keyboard and mouse for movement), even though my keybinds are still set to this.

Relogging helped the latter, /reload did not.


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