It´s goodbye if pet is removed

That´s a certain, I am simply not mechanically good enough to handle combat up close and the only class I feel comfortable playing is the MM hunter with a pet to tank.

Actually did try for about 30 minutes without pet and I can state it was a total disaster, on the other hand, I won´t be missed, my guild can do just fine without me.


You can play BM.


Not how that works my dude


OP complained that they dislike being attacked directly and don’t feel comfortable playing anything other than MM.

BM lets your pet tank and the playstyle is not more complex than MM. Yes, it doesn’t feel as much of an archer as MM, but you still have the option to play a simple spec with a pet that tanks.

Blizzard can’t please everyone, and balancing two playstyles (MM with pet and without pet) is difficult, as always one choice will be more optimal and people who enjoy the other option will be discontent.


While the frustration is understandable ( I do recommend trying BM though), if Blizzard ixnayed chass changes every time somebody threatened to leave over them, Mages would still only cast frostbolt spam, ret palas would still have crusader strike on a 10 second cooldown and be nothing but a meme, warriors would still be the only viable tank class, and the game in general would still be hardlocked in 2004 :wink:

so i can’t use this stupid eagle whitch i get it os passivly flying over your head, I can’t use it for farming rares and have it tank and taunt for me ?.. if they change this it is massively change the way a class/role its played, i get it that sometimes its good to have “new” build and spells but they literally take away the part were MM need to have a pet to tank for it while they give no alternative to have that mechanic again ? this i call a total uneeded NERFF on how your class face the damn harder mobs in the world/instances… at least they could have made that this dumb eagle can taunt and keep the mob/mobs away from you while you dump the loads in, and no i don’t want or feel the need to change my specialization bcz of how blizzard think overnight milions of players will change theyr way on playing MM…


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