It is high time we act ! REWORK/BALANCE DH NOW!

Support this thread, spread it to US forums if you have access, unite our voices and tell the devs that enough is enough its time we become loud , loud as possible so we see changes to demonhunter and proper tuning


And why should we all post what amounts to spam? Just because you tell us to?

Because the thread is de facto useless without actual suggestions on what to change and how.

Otherwise you and others will just complain the very next day about he changes going too far /not far enough and /or not being the ones that would have made an actual difference, because they had to make make them based on their data and their impression of what needs to change, which may or may not have anything to do with your view of how it should be.

Share your thoughts, don´t expect Blizzard, or us, to read your mind. :beers:

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you simply ddnt read how blizzard wants us to feedback. they dont want suggestions they want how the spec feels etc…surely you arent that ignorant?

And yet you weren´t even capable of posting that :rofl:

But sure, I’m the ignorant one,not the blind batgirl proving every stereotype about DH players right with just that one pointless dig. :rofl:

Whatever, have fun with yourself, it´s not worth the effort trying to help people like you communicate like adults. See you in 3024 :rofl:

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i bet you are a developer alt trying to derail the conversation to bickering over essential demonhunter rework and buffs


I am actually a developer… but not for Blizzard, they can´t afford me and California is too warm.

And when suggestions of this highly thought out elite caliber get posted on our forums, we also just ignore them :rofl:

Derail what conversation? RIght not it´s just you pointlessly flaming me and hurling unfounded accusations around, for me providing a well intended tip on how to get your awesome “Must read” thread actually noticed by someonte that might care. And me laughing about yet another misguided edgelord cutting himself over and over while trying to dish out lukewarm burns.

But sure, everbody everywhere is just out to get YOU and make YOUR life miserable, you really are that important…:rofl:

I think I´ll go talk to the Bubblegum under my boot about how to balance our games, instead… Maybe it has something useful that I can pass onto Blizzard about how to balance DHs as a suggestion… can´t be less than you´ve provided :joy:

Clown. Disappear from here on your mage char and with that disguisting style of posting.


Why, because I said something you don´t like? What a great reason, I never could have thought of that myself :rofl:

Any more bats that need their wings clipped? :rofl:

I know 90% of the devs in any studio hate the people who feed them
truly a pathetic sight.
Its like these failed teachers who hate children.
Truly a fruitless tree and nothing can mend it.
I feel sorry for you, you clearly are beyond the point of return.

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SO, just because I work in gamedev, for a completely different company affiliated with neither MS or Blizzard, by pure definition i must hate plaers that “feed me” by probably not even playing any of the games I work on? :rofl:

Of course, it must be that way, I must be a jilted Blizzard employee, ther is no possible other cause. Because everyone knows that it´s completely impossible, actually illegal, for me to simply enjoy a game by another studio and engage with people on it´s forums on the same level they engage with me, just without sweeping insults and unwarranted personal attacks?.. Reality is definitely not what you appear to think it is. You know nothing, John Snow :slight_smile:

But at least any normal, sane person can now fully understand why most Blizzard devs don´t engage in these discussions on their own forums :beers:

go away you dev, we dont want your kind here, you are here only to derail the conversation . literally im reporting you go away


There never was a conversation, only you flaming me for suggesting you add actual substance beyond “Spread this because I say so” :rofl: :rofl::rofl:

Which neither you nor the other 2 provided, just more pointless “He works in gamedev , ATTACK!!!” bluster, which deserves nothing but ridicule.

So please, by all means, report away, click so hard it breaks your mousebuttons, because forum mods need a good laugh from time to time, too :joy:

For my part, I´m going to print it out and pin it on the “Our customers cuold be so much worse…” board right next to last week’s LoL forum thread excerpts for the lulz :rofl::beers:

ty blizzard like …idk what say

  • Felblade damage increased by 10%.

  • The Hunt initial damage increased by 10%.

  • Havoc

    • Chaos Strike/Annihilation damage increased by 10%.

    • Demon’s Bite/Demon Blades damage increased by 10%

have you seen the felblade loyalty card thats going around in DH discord?

we are at about 5 felblade buffs. at 4 more fellblade buffs we get a rework …

its a running meme …


Its amazing balance from Blizzard, actually we are ±25-30% Behind shamans so this ULTIMATE ±3-4% buff is really hard help and finally we are able to compare to other class NICE !!! YE this is hardly ironical… and funny is this ignoring PVP where we are actually worst class too :smiley: Blizzard i love you really …


Demon hunter, especially havoc is in need of dire attention. Something has to change asap like asap yesterday. It is unacceptable to be below aug in dps.

Raid statistics dont lie, check wcl and you will see we are toe to toe with the support spec. This is unfathomable,its not even funny as an aprils fools joke.



Because the devs are asleep and the only way to wake them up is to be loud.

Spam Twitter, spam Reddit, spam the forums. If that’s the only way they listen so be it.

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Dh has lots of issues, for pvp at least. we are way too squishy and rotation too long and clunky to be really viable. a 10% stamina buff in demon, and longer duration meta or shorter cd would help.
We also dont have anything versus snares, stuns, fears of which we take plenty.
and cmon is time other races can be DH and make meta customizable, that would be steps in right direction.

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This not gonna help vs rogue or feral, that have enough damage to kill 2 demon hunters in 1 stun.

Blur should be useable while stunned plus meta should give +200% armor.


You are so right, should be extra stamina and armor considering its cd is longer than ret 1m burst cd and lasts less and doesnt hit much harder if at all.