It is time to make Bronze Accountwide!, Blizzard

It is time to make Bronze Accountwide!, Blizzard. Now let people have some fun, the last couple of days


I agree. I agree.


We have no idea what could be coming over the last few months of remix, so don’t get your hopes up.

I totally agree. Also i would like to ask on top of your request to put on sale at the event npc a gm weapon where we can one shot any mob,world boss, raid boss , etc and a invincibility armor.
Guys, if you get more brilliant ideas, post them here, let’s band together and show Blizzard our DEMANDS!!!

The last couple of months *

Probably last the few weeks if anything, but again I highly doubt we’ll see much in relation to that. Maybe an increase to the bronze that is obtained.

But I guess we’ll wait and see.

While I agree that remix should have been more alt friendly from the start and I wasn’t too happy about the falsely advertised cloak or the fact that rings, trinkets and neck unlocks weren’t accountwide originally, it really isn’t a problem anymore, your idea is unnecessary, and expressing it in the form of some kind of temper tantrum demand doesn’t make it more appealing to anyone.

I have leveled a mage, a warrior and a hunter to be able to farm all the weapon transmogs, and just by doing the three daily quests these characters got to 500+ item level gear in what, 5-6 days? And I didn’t even raid. If you’re really in a hurry and actually bother to do all raids on heroic, I bet you could get maxed out gear in 3 or 4 days, that’s nothing.

Remix isn’t perfect, it could definitely use some weapon arsenals for example, been killing turtles in Jade Forest for over 4 hours and still don’t have all the Remix-exclusive zone drops, pretty tedious stuff for sure. But accountwide bronze? Pretty pointless at this point, the cache buffs have made it really easy to get all the bronze you could ever want and then some.

Damn - you must have the best loot luck ever. I just did 2 dungeons, 2 scenarios, and a raid wing and got 24.211 bronze, at 15 upgrades it’s gonna take almost a month to get enough bronze by only doing those 3 quests.
Meanwhile, my main has nearly 400.000 bronze she’s got no use for. So you might find accountwide bronze to be pointless, but unless blizzard gives alts a massive up-grade discount then I don’t

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I still need another 379,000 bronze to purchase the remaining sets that this event has to offer >_<

Another 4 days I imagine!

3 quests a day x 2500 bronze x 6 days.

thats 45,000.

is that enough to upgrade all gear to 500+ i dont think so.

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