It’s beginning to look alot like skill issue even though the meta is very tanky and slow atm.
my post is not about healers, it’s about 1v1 battles even against DPS classes. Healers are immortal in 1v1s in general
Why discuss when you are playing a different game? (this is with ~25% dampening btw)
You’re telling me that non-healers take ages to kill? Huh? If you’re talking about hybrids, then my point from before still stands.
Yes, Pack Spirit is indeed a stupid trait, but do me a favour and point me towards literally any other class that can do that.
Edit: In all honesty, I’m finding it strange I have to tell you, a gladiator, about these basic things.
That’s one extreme. Doesn’t mean everything must now be knife-edge, 5 second slaughterfests.
Nope, every class because damage is absolutely minimal nowadays. compare the current damage to MoP:
(skip to 17:00 for world pvp)
DH also pretty much immortal in 1v1s if it can purge
Because you are delusional yet you think you are right
As much as I would love to continue this discussion with you, I’ll take some time to take in that a gladiator just told me an afk DH is difficult to kill.
All you want are big burst one shots, and for that I suggest you go main Rengar on LoL. You’re playing the wrong game if you want to do that.
Not afk, but basically if he presses 1-2 buttons he will be immortal
k then explain why we had “big burst one shots” in expansions where the game still had more than 3 players
Call me crazy, but at WoW’s peak performance, the meta was about sustained damage and not one shots.
Man I really think we are playing different games
Extreme? Sure. But it still shows TWO players at ~2k rating(so not completely clueless) unable to kill a guy who LITERALLY goes AFK and still ends up winning against them.
That’s a problem and a major yikes from me.
I’d honestly prefer if fights 1v1 was over in 1-3min tops.
This slug-fest of “Who gets bored and messes up first” needs to go.
Well I do think that Death Knight could have been using a lot more Necrotic Strikes.
The worst case scenario is that Healers are too much like psuedo-tanks, but again, it doesn’t mean we need DPS buffed or everyone in general to be made of paper.
Ohhh…here we go again…the same old topic: ghost wolf form.
Can i ask you something? Why you are so noob?
I am so tired to see how noobs, total noobs, complete noobs, complain about shaman’s ghost wolf form. In case you didnt knew, shamans are one of the easiest classes to kill in BFA (with or without ghost wolf). You just need to know how to do it…but thats the hard part. Right?
And you want to go back at that “era” from the videos you gaved as examples? Where you go and kill a player during thoose 4 sec of stunn? Are you serious? Then the game would be a stun contest: who can stunn faster and longer.
I think you are delusional. The current state of the PvP combat is quite good now, better than previous expansions.
Do you really think it’s balanced when a class can out-heal 2 players while LITERALLY AFK??? You must be joking buddy.
First learn how to kill a shaman, then come complain. As i said above:
…but ofc to do it you need brain.
In PvP , the shaman cant out-heal 2 players. In case you didnt knew, in PvP, the ghost-wolf heal is reduced to 50%. He can out-heal 2 noobs, but for sure he cant out-heal 2 players that have at least medium knowledge about PvP…not to mention 2 players with advanced PvP skills.
Trust me when i say it: i have 3 stacks of ghost-wolf azerite trait. I spank and own noobs, but when i meet real players (with real PvP skills), they spank me in seconds.
I hate when people complain about a skill that basically is useless in PvP, but people use it because there are plenty of noobs that doesnt understand how to use their own class.
But that’s what he’s doing WHILE AFK’ing and not getting killed vs 2 players, who are 2k+ rated btw.
Are you seriously that much in denial about clear facts???
You witnessed 2 noobs who where unable to kill a resto shaman.
First of all, there is only one player as enemy. The pally is a healer,so basically his dmg is useless in a arena match and it doesnt count. Second, they played bad: 2 stunns the entire fights, just 1 nature lock, 0 coodination between them, obviously the pally and the dk where not friends or team, they where put together randomly.
Its not denial. If you dont know how to kill a shaman, than you cant call yourself a true PVP player. Shamans die very easy by the combo of dispel/purge+stunn/silence/nature lock. 2 players if they coordinate their cc’s, they can kill a shaman in 7-10 seconds. I tell you this from my own experience: i fighted noobs on wpvp and i was alone vs 5 players and they couldnt kill me (5v1 !!!), because 5 player where so dumb to not use dispel/purge on me ,and other times 2 players who knew how to play, spanked me in 10 seconds. Not to mention that warlocks can kill alone a shaman, even in ghost wolf form ( i was killed a few times 1v 1 vs good and skilled warlocks).
Shaman’s advantage is that people dont know that dispel/purge cancel’s ghost wolf form. They hit the shaman while he is in ghost wolf form, they cant kill it after 5 min and then they go forum to complain how OP the shaman is. Shaman, without ghost wolf form (in human form) is more squishier than a mage. He is a paper hero.
Advice for you: learn to play and then come complain.
Edit note: i think Blizz made that azerite trait just to piss off noobs, who dont even know how to use their class.
Edit 2: That video is pure click-bait: from all the arenas that guy did, he choosed only one fight to post it on youtube. I would belive that the shaman is OP if i would see at least 4-5 different videos, with different enemies, players/classes. Clearly the guy noticed that the DK and Pally where noobs, he took advantage of that and made that “show” during his stream (going toilet, cuddling his dog, etc). That is the power of manipulation. People see one proof (wich cant define if that proof applies in all cases) and they take it as a granted truth. Like the bullsh#t is doing Trump with China. He blames China for everything wrong in this world, yet the real truth is another (if you want to know it, go research).
totally agree. People who have no idea what they are doing shouldn’t be allowed to be alive forever.
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