It drives me nuts not getting an invite for a 23 key which is easily timeable for me by players who just hit 2,8 k rio. they expect to get 3,3 k players boosting them with full meta premade A-Team or what is happening?
2.8k rio is basically everything in a 20. Some in 21.
You might be awesome and have tons of skill, but you have to prove it. And queuing for a 24 when the highest you have ever done for that dungeon is a 20… well… does not prove it.
If you want to do 23s and 24s, you have to do what every body else has done. Tanks and healers included.
1 by 1. Each week your objective should be to time every dungeon 1 level higher. That already takes a ton of time on its own.
And repeat. Every week 1 key level higher. Eventually, you will do them all in 22. Both Tyranical and Fortified. And then, you will get invites to 23s.
But you wont get a single invite to 24s until you have done them all in 23. Both tyranical and fortified.
Until then, dont even try to quew to 23s. OR, make your own key. Its the only way to get “invited” to keys way above your level.
Why would a 3.3k player, who has done every single dungeon in 25 and half in 26 (both in Tyr and Fort) quew for a 24?
There is no reason to do that. That simply does not happen.
If you do your 24 and put +3300 rio people only, nobody will appear in the list. Thats 100% guaranteed.
I was answering the OP’s question. Yes, that’s exactly what the key owners expect.
Well no. I disagree. People dont want to get rushed by hypothetical 3.3k people in a 23 because they dont exist.
OP has 3k io and is complaining that he cant get invites to a 23.
Well the reason is not because people want 3.3k rating… But because OP has ToT, DHT, and EB in Tyr on 20… OF COURSE nobody wants him for a 24… he needs to do those dungeons in 21 first…
Among other things to improve his rio. One of the most notable is that he has timed a total of 34 dungeons in 20+. Very low. That is already a lack of XP in my eyes.
And if he does ever quew in for a ToT21, he would be a top pick for that dungeon. He would literally wait 5 secs to be invited. AND it would improve his rio.
So blaming “others” for his misfortunes is a mistake. The only one to blame is himself. For wanting to get boosted instead of doing what everyone else has to do.
You should become as awesome at networking / social skills as you are at dps. Then you’ll have a network of people you can do keys with instead of having to queue with every other pleb.
Until people get to know you you’re just a name and score on a list.
If none of my friends are around and I decide to pug my own key, the only people I’m interested in inviting are:
- people who have already timed the same key on that level with the same +2 affix; or
- people who have timed most other keys on that level or higher with the same +2 affix (especially keys of equivalent difficulty); or
- characters who have a same role main that has timed that dungeon with the same +2 affix at 2-3 levels higher, as well as having a significantly higher score; or
- a 4-man pre-made where 3 characters are clearly overqualified for my key and capable of carrying the 4th.
It sucks, but it’s pug life. When I do keys with my friends, I’m totally happy to spend time experimenting and complete over time, or give up completely and drop a level, or just do something else because we’re struggling with a particular dungeon and want to chill. If I’m forced to pug, I just want my key completed in time, and inviting people who are clearly capable of doing that is the best way to achieve it (although still not 100% reliable because mistakes happen).
Im not getting carried in 24s. TOTT for example is way harder on fortified, idk why tyrannical would be harder. u can check my warcraftlogs on my keys if you think im getting carried.
im just complaining about the waiting time this season, its noticable longer than the last expansions i played.
Rogues aren’t as desirable atm, the utility they bring isn’t as useful as it used to be.
Play tank or healer or 1 Mata space instant inv Ez. fix
I said Boosted, not carried. Which has nothing to do with skill, or difficulty of the dungeon.
It means you expect people to catapult you to higher ratings with out going through the process everyone else has to do.
And I don’t need to see warcraft logs for that. All I need to see is your Raider IO, see that you got 5 dungeons in +20, and that you are applying to +24s.
Because its not about the dps you do. You could be the best rogue in the world for all I care. But you have to prove it to the keyholders when you apply. And the only way to do that, is via Rio.
It sucks, but rio is the only way.
So if you dont want to get “boosted” in ToT from 20 to 24 in 1 go, do what everyone else does. Go 21, then 22, then 23, and finally, 24. For ALL dungeons. Both Fort and Tyr.
And when you have a decent “CV” sort of speak, you wont wait as long for your keys.
Your rogue does not appear in other seasons. But either way, it proves nothing. Maybe you did go through the process in other seasons. Because what I tell you above is 100% true since Legion.
Also this.
I personally prefer them to DHs to be honest. If I pug them that is.
Also, rogues have so many stuns and this season there are so many annoying caters that they are usefull imo.
I have the same feeling with Augs actually. So many FOTM rerollers that dont know squat about the dungeon and their class that have been boosted to +24/+25 rios…
I don’t see any problem with it i naturally progressed though 20/21/22 keys up until 23
This week i will try to do few 24
and i’m playing the not greatest DPS there is without leggo
so if it’s possible for me as ret progress to 23 keys anyone can do it
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