It Was All Just A Dream

Certainly at this point I wouldn’t want to trust Blizz to pull switcheroo on us, but boy do I want to believe

I agree with you that after legion everything sort of went downhill, come to think of it legion would have been a perfect end and then a segway into warcraft 4.

shame it didnt happen

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You are playing vulpera. You are a part of a problem. Start with removing the character you are currently playing.

Legion in tbc: demons and few monstrous mechanisms of theirs.
Legion: demons riding tanks and flying saucers. Also the space craft. Legion was a clown fiesta.

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Imagine genuinely thinking that

Imagine not genuinely thinking that vulperas are not part of a problem lol.

Vulpera are a race. Quite a cool race with that. A race in itslef is never the problem. The problem is that they were crappily introduced and that we know close to zero about them

Oh yes, the “not fanservice not f&rr*” race. Ogres which people asked for since ages immemorial? Maybe anything else, like arakkoa or sablerons? What, no again? But a certain “CUTIE XDDDDD” race snuck in. Into horde. The spike-skull faction. The one manabombing cities and using biological weapons.
No. They do not belong in Horde. Sethrak would join if not for the people like you.

Oh believe me I’m constantly whining about getting Ogres and Arakkoa as playable races. And I do like them much more than Vulpera. But don’t think that Vulpera stole their spots - they didn’t. Blizzard has had many occasions to add Ogres and Arakkoa, and they never did.

What you just described is Orcs and Forsaken. Did you by chance ever come across the 8 remaining Horde races ?

Sethrak are flat. Their design is weak and they’re as interesting as Jinyus. Also you seem to have some anger management issues and I hope you’ll eventually sort them out

They absolutely did. They have no place in horde and their “help” is shoven up in our faces in a form of quests where other races shown as incompetent. Oh my, you helped with manawine! Like nobody could, but vulperas! And also these walking pelts are somehow being able to succeed where no other race could! No mary sueness! Especially considering that they were kicked hard between the legs by sethrakk so many times they only had one camp with their folks remaining! Yay! Not forced!

Oh, the trolls who are having habits of eating their foes? Blood elves who drained naaru for the power? Goblins who were shown to be mercenary, so much, in fact, that they are tricking elementals into contracts. Tauren who are supposedly peaceful, but gladly join warmongering horde in their efforts? Oh, yes, pandarens, the joke race. They are just fine and not as unfitting in horde as they are in the alliance as well.

Some males consider it an attractive feature.

The actual snake people with their heads and tails moving as they attack and stuff? Weak and not interesting? The ancient empire in the region which got devastated by the apocalyptic battle between their patron goddess and an undefeateable faceless one? Which does have its unique design, architechture and stuff? Compared to “these foxes are like desert dwelling and CUUUTE! DOLLY AND DOT! WE LIVE IN WAGONS (decorated with the fox tails of all things by the way) AND ARE PEACEFUL!” They have nothing behind them. Sethrakk had something behind them. They had religious stigma and rift between two warring factions of their people. They had an empire which we helped to save from collapse. But yeah, singing f&rries are something anyone would pick.

“You are mad by the way!” At least be honest when you say something. I am angry about vulperas, thats for sure, and the acceptance they met in the horde made me leave the faction, but anger management issues? You dont know anything about me, so dont make assumptions and dont mistake passion for anger. If you have not experienced neither then thats on you.

This doesn’t indicate in any way that they stole Ogres and Arakkoa’s spots, only that their introduction was utter trash, which I already said I agreed with. Face it : Ogres and Arakkoa had 15 years to hop in. Even WoD, which featured them somehow importantly, wasn’t enough. At this point thinking that not getting Vulpera would have left them a chance is desillusional

Your points are ridiculous. No race in WoW is 100% morally white. Having commited atrocities doesn’t mean you or your faction’s theme/concept is commiting atrocities.
(Also cannibalism is not inherently bad, it’s just a cultural habit that sounds terrible to us)

Yes. Them. Having a dense lore doesn’t make a race interesting. They have no charisma whatsoever, no personality except speaking with a snake-ish voice effect, zero memorable character, and their design is literally a random snake head put over a humanoid bipedal body.

I deeply respect passion, I truly do, but you literally just told me “Sethrak would join if not for the people like you”. What’s a “people like me” ? Have we met before ?

I really like Vulpera. They’re so darn cute, I love the juxtaposition of seeing them in Org surrounded by big orcs and trolls.

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Sethrakk then. But no. Because CUTIE CUTIE CUTIE! In horde of all places. Wonder why so many people still spam /spit on vulperas they see. Not because they are out of place in every bloody way.

Night Elves are 100% morally white lol. They literally defend their homeland, help others who are not trying to, you know, chop down trees and etc (remember that they have fought in the war of the ancients and archimond participated there, but still they did not kill all the draenei on spot despite knowing full well that they might be Eredar). Even the corruption of their own people they have fought zealously. Also gnomes. Also dwarfs (oh no, they fight off the tribes of winter trolls, but almost lost to them at one point because of refusal to use underhanded tactics). Yes it is, that is why humans only resort to it in the time of starvation and why it causes the effects similar to inbreeding on those who practice it. Maybe humans do instinctively know why you dont do that unless other option is dying and even then sometimes choose dying.

And what do vulperas have? A “cutie!!!xDDDD” song? Oh no, they flap ears when they jump! Snakes have dense lore, they have interesting conflict to explore among their species, they are lead by a Loa. The one who nuclear blasted a location into the desert. Their design is first and foremost COBRA head on top of thin humanoid body with an actual tail and movements of said tail and head when they attack or cast. And vulperas? Cheap ripoff of goblin models. Dude, i dont mind them as they are. I would gladly play an arcade game with them included. But in wow? In horde? That is laughable.

People like you who are pro f*rry race insertion. Capiche?

^^^^ /lick

See? Not so hard. You wanted it - you’ve gotten it. Now just try being honest about why you want certain stuff and admitting it openly. You are pro-f*rry and want vulperas because of it? Fine. Just dont lie about their importance and coolness, they’ve gotten the only truly important trait to you - being f&rries.

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it was all a dream and all the expansions after legion never happened your still lvl 110

If you think that’s the core of the Horde, you are the problem…


ah, you’re finally awake…

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Oh sorry. Murdering all the draenei on draenor back then or using necromancy and dark magics upon arrival to azeroth? Nu-horde begone. We’re evil, we will be evil and were evil. No peacemongering allowed, and i dont care what your puppet cattle prince mooed in your ears.
Baine to the chopping bloack.
P.S. also no surprise you are orc female lol. Folks with certain worldviews who speak in terms “problematic”, “toxic” etc etc are picking that race/sex combo all the time. Wonder if there is a connection.

Would rather prefer nothing to be dream from pandaria on. Demons on flying saucers and wod’s underdeveloped story is as bad as bfa.