It was fun but it needs to stop now!

Blitz and Solo Shuffle do not bring to ppl anything more than rage and flaming which leads to bans , bad behaviour and toxicity.2v2 arena is completely empty , 3v3 is going on the same path.arround 1.8+ u start facing only Mglads and R1 players which makes it impossible to reach 2.4 and farming Glad wins.Idk you should consider removing Solo Shuffle and Blitz or the PvP will become worse and worse over time


Will (probably) not happen and definitely not lead to the outcome, you would like to see.

In the case of Blitz, I’d be happy if they implemented a generic version without the acceleration since many people don’t seem to grasp the little details that makes the difference in a round, therefore I think a standard 10vs10 with the option of solo/duo queue could work better.

The best and only solution would be different rewards for each. Like recolours if the set mounts etc.

just bin the shuffle brackets, its a vessel of feeding bad players free loot

lol, only because certain players are flaming and misbehave, devs shall not remove the whole content. What is this logic? Lemons are sour while apricots are sweet, so lets remove all lemons but keep apricots. Besides, saying that 3v3 or 2v2 or rated bgs are not toxic is wrong, it’s just their toxicity is in discord where players flame each other for loosing or slacking. As an rated bg player i can confirm that i had more flaming and toxicity in discord while playing rbg than in chat while playing solo blitz

So two game modes need to be removed because people can’t control their own emotions?

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