Hi, do we have informations what ilvl is required to be able to join LFR please ?
I haven’t seen anything, but it may be similar to LFR in DF.
In DF S4, LFR loot started at 480 and the required item level to join was 463 (I believe). In TWW, LFR loot starts at 584, so I’d expect something around 567 as an item level requirement (which would be a mix of gear from normal and heroic dungeons without any upgraded pieces).
584 to 593 from first to last bosses . Very rare items at 600.
According to wowhead .
They might round it down to 565, or up to 570 just to have a clean number, but I think you´re pretty much on the money.
And considering you can get to 580 without spending a single crest or even finishing the campaign or doing any world content, can get full 571 just by farming rares, and can buy full 564 off the AH for like 8-10 k for a full set, I don´t feel that´s too much to expect, either. But I fear /expect people will inevitably complain when it opens up about not being able to queue for it with 540-550 leveling gear, just as they do every time.
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