Item level on weekly cheats afer 22nd patch release

Hello everyone, I tried to find a post related but could not so this is my question for you blizz…since you announced the patch on 22 next week but the weekly myth+ and pvp chests open the next day on 23, I wonder if the rewards from those 2 chests will be the new high lvl items you will add the day before or just the old ones? I ask this because I rather keep my seals and titan residue for the new items after they release and I wonder if it does worth doing myth+ any more just to get lower ilvl items then you get from new assault world quests and bosses, thank you!

See sticky at top of forum

and this thread, just a bit below:

Mythic+ rewards will also go up by 30 item levels; however, during the first week of Season 2, rewards from end-of-run chests will be capped at Mythic 6 quality (item level 385), and the chest you open next week will contain Season 1 rewards if you do a Mythic+ run this week. (So, for example, if you do a Mythic 10 during the final week of Season 1, you’ll get a Season 1 item level 380 piece and 60 Residuum from your first Season 2 chest.)

Ok thanks bro! Looks like I better wait for next week to do myth and use seals since it doesn’t worth the effort doing them now unles for farming those 60 titan residue right? Having 4 seals will probably help alot

First of all it’s 23rd of EU. Blizzard just ignores us and gives only dates for US. Secondly there’s no patch, they just unlock rest of the stuff from December patch.

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