Item restoration

so, i got my half spark from the weekly, first surprise since it says you get “your spark for the week”. so i start wondering how you get the other half and, having already done full lfr, normal and heroic raid, 5 timewalking dungeons and 15ish m+ runs. then i see it being the same icon as last season’s half spark and i start wondering if i didnt throw it away and delete it thinkin it was an old item that i dont need anymore… i wanted to check if it’s in the deleted items in the restoration tool, but the list only includes gear, even the green boes from timewalking dungeons, but no other items, epic or otherwise. now i might just have not dropped it, which is still very weird and i’d like to solve the problem in that case too obviously, but if i just deleted it, then why wouldnt i be able to see it in the item restoration tool and restore such a key character progression item for the season, when it tracks and restores meaningless timewalking green gear?

I am afraid stackable items are not included in the item restoration service.

Support article has full list of limits:

i know, im asking why

Because thats what they decided on. Sometimes you just have to make limits on certain things.

Ours is not to reason why, as my old mother used to say. But its possibly related to them not knowing how large the stack was. Or because stacked items are classed as multiple items, not single.

you can have only 2 so far and i have 1 in the bag… there’s no stack. also weird response lmao

This appears to have been answered by a Community manager recently.

Simple technical limitations, I’m afraid.

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It’s still a stackable item no matter how many you have. A stackable item is any item where when you have multiple of them they will only take up a single bag slot. Even if you only had one or deleted one, it’s still an item that’s capable of stacking.

If it’s capable of stacking (regardless of how many you have) then it’s not valid for item restoration.

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there’s people with crafted items already, you can get the full spark.
i know you can only get half from the weekly, i’m saying i dont know wether i already dropped the second half or not. if i did, i might have deleted it by mistake and would need it restored, if i didn’t, that’s weird because i cleared 3 raid difficulties and done plenty of m+.

and i know of people who made the mistake of deleting it because it has the same icon as the old one and after being refused the first ticket they got it restored so there is no actual technical limitation…