I have mistakenly disenchanted a myth level necklace instead of the champion level in my bag.
However when using item restoration it is asking me for a knowledge point. I still have a knowledge point from treasures in my bag, but the system doesn’t accept it because of the different name.
I’ve made a ticket, but the GM couldn’t resolve it.
This seems like very poor planning from the devs. Surely you could take out knowledge points of the equiation and in cases like mine, take -1 from the catchup mechanic or from next weeks knowledge points.
So how can we solve this issue ?
As of current, it’s probably unsolvable, because GM’s can’t override the Item Restoration system, as they use the exact same Item Restoration system as is available to players.
You might be able to get it escalated to a senior GM who have more tools available to them. But personally, I doubt it.
In any case, the staff on the forums are not GM’s, and can’t intervene in in-game issues. You would have to reopen your ticket and talk to a GM.
What you said probably happened. First GM said there is nothing he could do, I asked him to ask around collegues, which I guess happened, and another GM solved the issue.
While I am very grateful to GM Leoleiheber, item restoration has worked fine for years, whoever thought this would be a good addition doesn’t deserve their paycheck.
Regarding item restoration, how cool it would be to have search tool… I had over 1200 pages to scroll if I’d be looking for something spesific. Horrible