It's all Coming Together covenant quest bugged

Same here its just bugged i hope blizzard will deal with it asap
Quest: it’s all coming together

Same, already completed the calling on necrolord, so what do i do now?

Having no soulbinds and conduits is a really nerf to our power

Just switched Venthyr -> Kyrian. Can’t get any renown or soulbinds, please blizz fix or im wooked for my raid tonight.

Still same issue, love that i got a GM ticket back saying, we have hotfixed this allready.
Ticket has been marked as resolved.
F***** hell it hasn’t. sort your shi*.

I got an automated ticked telling me to abandon the quest or to read a guide on how to complete quests…

Theyre probably referring to this:

Fixed an issue where some quests in the Kyrian Covenant Campaign chapter “Among the Kyrian” would display as incomplete for players who joined the from another covenant and did not do certain optional quests. Players in this state should visit Oribos to have their status updated.

But the incredible vague:

Players in this state should visit Oribos to have their status updated

Makes no sense and doesn’t actually tell you where to go or who to speak too.

Likewise, i just reopened my ticket, 21 hours in still waiting.

Same for me…switched yesterday and cant complete “its all coming together”…which makes me unable to progress and take a soulbind…this character is therefore unusable as of now…how can this not be fixed?

Because all of the devs are sat on US servers monitoring the world first race.

Is it possible to switch covenants that often? (it would means 3 times in 1 day for me)

Same problem here. Yesterday i switched to kyrian, and I stuck at this quest. Cant talk to the npc to finish it.

You get a quest that makes you do like obscene amounts of stuff, like 17x rares/world quests 9x dungeons. So it takes at least a reset for the first part. Then you have to do it again. So it takes 2 weeks in total to get it back.

so i need to go back to night fae my old covenant do the wq and stuff to get back in and then do it again with kyrian ?

so nothing happends from yesterday i saw!

Same issue, just changed covenants and now not able to even talk to Haephus (1 day later)

I just heard that they are going to patch this next wednesday.

From what source?

awesome, a whole week without a covenant, so yeah 1 week free gametime huh?.. freakin blizz.

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was this issue recognized by Blizzard in the last couple of days? because their hotfix was a while back an obviously did not fix it

I was joking, I have no idea what blizzard is going to do.