It's been 2 years and the Newcomer chat channel Abuse spammer is still there no matter how much we report?

So they use a different computer or sell parts and then some innocent person gets banned.

Not really practical. Or they simply spoof things.

The reply to my ticket

Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment, this is Game Master Eireuthios at your service.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I’m truly sorry to hear about the ongoing harassment in the newcomer chat on Argent Dawn. We understand how frustrating and disheartening this can be, especially for new players.

To address this issue, please continue to report the abusive player using the in-game reporting system. Here’s how you can do it:

1- Right-click the player’s name in the chat.
2- Select “Report Player For…”.
3- Choose the most appropriate option (e.g., Harassment, Spam).
4- Provide a brief description of the situation.
5- Click “Submit”.

Each report helps us take appropriate action against the offending player. We are committed to maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone, and your reports are crucial in helping us achieve this.

Thank you for your patience and for helping us keep the community welcoming.

Have a good day!
Game Master Eireu

It has been 2 years … pretty sure bordering on 3.
How have they not figured this out yet

It’s very easy to have a second account on another monitor, an account that does nothing outside of exist and see if the messages of the first account appear in the chat.

I’ve always wondered if companies really know how to implement this properly. Because most advertise their hardware bans as blocking a machine’s MAC address… which anyone who knows how to open Device Manager can change.

It’s not a priority for them. They do have both the knowledge and tech to solve it. They don’t do it because the managers put other stuff on priority. It’s the same reason why simple code changes that take less than 5 minutes to implement and test are not being done.

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I got a similar reply a few months back when I put in a ticket about him… nice to see they are being proactive and quick /s :snail:

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The worst kept secret is companies don’t want a proper HWID ban, because if banned players play again, well that’s another copy sold!


Newcomer chat was a great promotional feature when it came out for some quick PR injection. But as with most things Blizzard, after its shine has dulled and new features need promoting it turns into a Silithus sword.

I hate the concept of shadowbanning. It’s so insidious when you think about it.
On old Twitter some years ago, I got shadowbanned beause I had a pepe the frog profile picture. Yeah that was enough to get you shadowbanned. Even had my analytics disabled haha.
The problem is, whare does it end? First they ban the toxic ones, tomorrow they start banning Blizzard critics.

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Not relly this level of interruption and toxicity this guy has been spamming for nearly 3 years is very obvious blizzard have logs … pretty sure they can trace who this guy is

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3 years? my god o.O

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