It's been 84 years.... SS que times for the millionth time

I feel like Rose in Titanic.
2 years gone, and NOTHING changed in SS que times, but most importantly… they didnt even try.

I have 4-5 years exp with my MW, and now, I cannot go higher than 1950 :'D With my warlock with ~2 months exp after 2 year afk, hit 2,1.

Why would i join with my monk as a healer?
Hell no.

I’m wasting my time with this. Hellobello Blizz. You are just losing your players .

Do something with healer rating and mmr counts. This leads to nothing.


Main issue with healers is that their MMR bubble seems to be more deflated than the dps bubble (you can see this phenomena to a much greater extend if you look at the prot pala ladder). All the complaints that healers have less impact, lose more rating for losing than for winning, not gaining anything for going 3-3, being held back by dps players who don’t press defensives, dampening etc are all complete nonsense (they might be valid complaints in the short term and for single games but certainly not in the long run). It just boils down to blizzard being unable (or more likely just don’t want to) to fix the issues with MMR between dps and healers (and between the different brackets as well).

well and i can clearly tell the difference between 1800, 2100, 2300 and 2600 healers
why is that?.. i wonder…
better players play at better ratings? i guess…

i assume you dont change ur spec between hybrid/caster thats why ure 1950 hardstuck as mw
u cant expect to heal casters with hybrid and also u cant expect to heal melees with caster
u need to adapt my guy
git gud

Doesn’t change the fact healer have it much harder to climb in solo then DPS. I am 2.1+ on both ret and holy and holy was a real struggle compared to ret.

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I’ve played 74 games as holy and 30 of the games are 3-3 games when I check reflex. The majority of those 3-3 games have been a 0-6 dps that’s just getting railed into the ground with no chance for me or the enemy healer to redeem the situation and then some with a 6-0 DPS that just dominates everyone.

I might as well not even play, it’s too tilting to be playing with the way it works with draws and how often they happen due to a 0-6 DPS. I don’t mind if there’s a 6-0 DPS that’s clearly better than everyone else but a 0-6 dps that’s in green gear or just running in and dying instantly… No, just no.

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making the freaking starting MMR 1800 doesn’t help either

Aaaaaaaand 11.1 will comes with a BIG 0 hope for change…

  • Surprise *

A lot of CC will become unbreakable, mostly healers got the CC-s which one are breakable, now, you wont get any hope for stand in melee range with healer to break the incoming ccs.

You think this will lead healers to play shuffle? :smiley: Hell NO!

prepare for 50 min que times for LFG at every rate!

(Only good thing in these patch notes that Shadowy Duel will be removed. )

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