This is the same clown show that it was back in p3 when melee hunts were deleteing everyone, and saying no we are balanced, we need to be on top of you and got no way to reach you, but in this case they got slow immunity can mount up in combat, have a trinket + bubble for 10 sec immunity ohh yeah and deal 100% more dmg then melee hunt ever did
And saying it doesn’t need a nerf cuz it’s purgable it’s like me saying rapid fire doesn’t need a nerf cuz it’s dispellable, and ohh yeah my cd is 1 min their’s is like 10 sec…
Blizzard the top forum on NA forums is still why can Ret 1 shot me in a BG, if you’re so done balancing your game, i may suggest the biggest clown of the rets Arkuvian, watch his latest ab vid where he solo takes farm from 5 ppl while 1 shotting them in bubble…
Idiot devs i swear, they nerfed bm melee hunt outa existance because ppl cried abt the dmg, but now we get 5phases passing by where shams, pala, and boomie are on top with no intervention whatsoever
Nerf starfall, moonfire, sunfire combo, nerf flameshock or burn rune in pvp not to be usable, delete ret and shock pala’s like you did to melee hunt back in p3.
Everyone is crying killshot is op, because they dont see the other 66% of the time where it hits clothies for 1k or crits plate/tanks for 1.2k crits, meanwhile pala 100 to 0’s you in 3 sec crying that they needa press 2 buffs while you’re cc locked to do it.
All i got to say is good job blizz, all the aliance femboys, now think they’re good because you think 8k auto in a bg is balanced and 300 killshot crits to warr w shield wall deserves a nerf XD
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Bother you’re farming us worse they they are, when i see you in a bg you aways got like 30 kills+ while second best has like 15 or smth, hunt’s op too but i agree, atleast you cant go full immune and continue to kill us.
I get that killshot is busted vs no geared ppl too, i get it, but i can’t 1 shot someone for 8k holy dmg in 1 stun who has 10k armor im not that busted! My counters are - Any warrior, rogue, boomie, shaman, paladin and good geared mages. I die to every one of them, all are crying hunter is op because no one want’s to focus us down when we actually just stand there and shoot… try fighting a hunt in a 1v1, all u needa do is, shadowstep, sap while he is in his flare you won’t get fished out because blizz cant code and flare is server ticked based. then if he trinkets you blind and its a gg. if he waits for it and trinkets kidney, blind then if you got prep you aways win, so idk why exactly rogues of all ppl are complaining that hunter is op, when they literally delete me, and ohh yeah ful pvp geared hunt killhshots dont deal as much dmg, the real power is being pve bis and being a glass cannon. Now i don’t want rogue nerfs, i even want buffs for them because they are my fellow true dps brother with 0 survivability unlike the hybrids!
Nerf healing in pvp to a 90% aura again delete the abuser classes like you did to melee hunt, that’s all i want equality, but blizz are koksukers and want to nerf hunter every patch note but not touch pala because Aggrend is playing it rn and he needs to feel good abt himself so he needs to 1 shot or else why play? right!!!
P.S i don’t see ppl crying about ice lances for 3k magic dmg, but all of them cry abt hunter dmg even tho hunt cant sheep u or stun neither can heal, so yeah my point exactly it’s okay to got high dmg if when they engage on u you’re insta deleted, not using frenzied regen or riptide to full health or fkin bubble and continue to kill me
Time for you to touch grass.
- Nahmon is a bad PvE player who enters BGs with 8k HP wondering why he’s getting killed.
- He should be on 13k+ and be prepared to fight, he isn’t.
Nothing to see here, just ban the guy, he’s offending and degrading players and developers while ranting for a living.
Calling people names because you’re a bad player is idiotic.
Sure sure, if they nerf spamming freezing traps every 6 seconds too. Or two tapping me with Kill Shot, or two tapping me with Chimera Shot. Etc.
Jokes aside SoD PvP sucks, for everyone. Let’s not kid ourselves.
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i have a question, i play ret but only on PvE server, and the exact thing you want removed from PVP is why i enjoy ret PvE rotation.
But i dont understand how this saves you in being 1 hit in PVP?
from my understanding without the seal stacking, paladins have to do seal twisting right?
but isnt that set up for the initial attack the same thing?
the initial burst that you are all talking about, wont go on the first hit even if you remove the T1 6pc and T2 4pc.
the paladin would just lose its damage afterwards or at least it would take more skill to play perfectly etc.
or am i missing something?
Just remove all shoulder enchants(for all classes) from working in PvP. Adding these into the mix is like trying to extinguish a fire by pouring gasoline.
Sure it will be weird in some aspects, ex: in the open world, but that is SoD PvP for you.
The power creep hasn’t been kept in check and now we are here with this mess.