It's just alpha bro, give it time

It’s just BFA beta bro, give it time

It’s just SL beta bro, give it time

It’s just DF Beta bro, they can still make changes.

Enough, it’s clear that Blizzard doesn’t have a clue how to design hunters. I’m done. Going to reroll Ret.



Wait you doesnt like Talent trees thatv ust give you abilitys back that where once standart in your spell book

Idk, I’ve been looking at all the hero talents so far released and hunter by far has drawn the shortest straw. I mean all 3 of our hero talents are lackluster and barely have any theme. I mean compare those to the 3 mage specs that are all bangers, 3 warlock specs out of which 2 are complete bangers and well then there is 1 rogue spec that so far is a real stinker but they still have 2 unreleased talent trees. Meanwhile as hunters we have dark ranger which has the theme but gameplay appears to be dull as hell, sentinel which is thematic for night elves but for everyone else it’s kind of like HUH? And pack leader which is overall an embarrassment. I mean this is just sad man.

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I like what they are doing so far!

Since Dark Ranger and Black Arrow is not for SV i lost all hope

Honestly, I’ve been looking forward to the expansion till I saw the hunter hero trees. Would is bloody kill you to maybe give us ONE tree that isn’t utter trash? Come on, there are guns in this game. I already hate all the nonsense volleys and arrows flying everywhere when I’m using a gun. All I needed was a hero spec that focused on that for a bit, but no. Here, have a damn moon owl or corpse dogs. Meh.