It's not the gearing a new char that is the worst

It’s actually finding anyone capable as a teammate when you are 0 cr… nobody xp’d will queue with you and you are bound to play with clueless andys dying in 3 sec or not using any CC kind of people and that is literally just as if I played solo queue. 1 game 1 idiot seen, 1 loss, new group new loser xD I mean it’s the real pvp underground there. if you cant carry 1v2 you will have a hard time.

I disagree.
When I was Queuing (holy) 3s with 0 cr 170 sinful blue weps only using LFG I found people ranging from yes unrated all the way to duelist geared players just looking to have fun and ended up playing anywhere from 1600-1950 mmr games.
I really enjoyed it until after 5pm in which I assume all the kids login.

I’m not trying to be toxic but sometimes I just… like what can I do if my teammate dies in 3 sec xD

I mean its a gear issue too why people die at that rating

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It’s the class/covenant design. If you watch any top PvP player you see they have whole screen filled with weak Auras to react in matter of seconds otherwise you die in 1 global. Imagine playing vs Necro Arms/Kyrian Ret/Healer. They stack Seraphim, Wings, Divine Toll, Necrolord’s banner, Avatar, Warbreaker. I have to trade both Astral Shift and Battlemaster and my Healer most likely have to trinket Stormbolt or HoJ to use one maybe 2 more CDs to keep me alive on first go. Then their CDs aren’t synced and it’s a bit easier. The raw power of CDs and stacking of them is just stupid. Holinka said people have to die… but dying in less than 1 sec unless you respond in less than 1 sec yourself isn’t the way imo. It creates toxic gameplay that we have in Shadowlands. On the other hand if you lower just damage you will have another BFA. Cooldowns are the main problem in design.

How arenas work right now is that you have to kill on CD or you are waiting until you get them again. Dealing maximum damage outside of them only matters if you manage to survive enemy CDs for long enough. You could literally stand and not deal damage in downtime and still win. Most of the comps win by repeating CD goes until enemy has no defensive CDs.

But now I picked a second DH and he did 20k dmg… in 2 arenas xD like… rly… idk what are these people smoking.

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