why dont we make the flying mount 500% faster?
It’s sod so… Why don’t we just increase everybody’s movement speed by 500% too.
Actually why even bother doing that. Just give us Goku’s instant transmission and let us teleport to anything we have targetted.
What flying mounts?
haha nice comments dear forum dwellers! made me chuckle! but tell me do you enjoy 10 min flights?? dont you say damn how much years have i wasted on endless zigzaging trough the world??
You are talking about the flight paths im guessing?
I personally find them to be fine if they were quicker the world would feel a lot smaller.
Hmm yeah that’s what i was talking about… I guess you all really enjoy these long flight pads… I take the L im the weird one here
Yeah these long flights are what makes you realize the world of Azeroth is huge. I wouldn’t mind if those birds would fly a bit straighter but I reckon the traveling time with boats, mounts and birds are a very important part of the immersive nature of Classic.
They should just add 1 more flight point per zone. And permanent portals in every capital to every capital. Travel problems solved. (Go back to retail comments inc.)
No. Nor do I enjoy having to travel to my friends or enemies, so give me instant transmission. This is sod after all, no rules or logic.
Hahaha miylee you are ridiculous… Stop it please let this topic die who hurt you this badly that you are behaving this way? Can you polymorph irl aswell? Or something more real… Cast silence on yourself please
Edit: damnit you are probably making an ingame statement ive made a fool out of myself…
First it’s not huge or even big for an RPG game. Second, the only thing it makes me realize is that I am wasting dozens of minutes every day staring into the screen doing nothing.
The flight system of Vanilla is very poorly done. It’s too slow and inefficient, plus there are too few flight points. The fact that the devs attempted to “fix” it with flying in TBC means they acknowledged the severity of the issue.
I do not care if they fix it in SoD because it will be over soon and the problem will disappear, but please do not gaslight yourself into thinking it’s a feature and not an issue.
Can you lay off your aggressivity mate ? We’re just having an exchange of opinion.
If you can’t deal with people not having the same opinion than you then please refrain from posting on these forums.
I swear some of you must be feeling pretty miserable behind your screen to be such a**hole.
There is no aggression in my message, I did not insult you in any manner. Just please stop pretending that problems are features, this makes vanilla fans seem very deranged
You certainly are very deranged mate. Stop telling me what to do or not and accept the fact that not everyone thinks like you.
Everyone can have their opinion. When your opinion is deranged though, do not act surprised when it’s pointed out.
This is the problem with Vanilla andies, you have been playing it for so long that you started to see hidden meaning behind everything. How warped does one’s perception of game design needs to be to seriously defend a mechanic that literally makes you go AFK for 10 minutes every now and then?
Nobody stops you and guilds from logging Mage and Warlock alts all over Azeroth to port anywhere you want. It seems like YOU are not efficient and organized enough, if you are not using all options the game has to offer since 2005.
No, flying mounts were added to reach specific places and for more speed because grounds mounts with 280%-310% moving speed would look quite funny.
And guess what, for casuals like you with less gold and without warlock taxi system, they still had regular flying points.
You remind me of Alliance players in SoD, complaining walking or flying from Darkshore to Astranaar and then need to walk to east side of the map for Ashenvale PvP instead logging Warlocks at strategic places to port zergs.
WoW was never inefficient, it’s your own horrible game play.
Coming from a player, ignoring all possiblities in Vanilla.
You should play retail, it has more automatism for inefficient players and the quality of randoms in dungeon finder match much better your behavior.
The player above is a perfect example of a deranged Vanilla fan looking for hidden meaning behind every bad mechanic.
The devs have admitted multiple times over the last 2 decades that Vanilla flight paths were a major problem and that there were incessant complaints in that regard and that flying mounts were an attempt to fix it.
Thanks for proving again your lack of self reflection and for having zero arguments backing up your immature Vanilla takes. Keep on complaining about nonsense and blaming other players for your personal inability of having fun playing Vanilla. No worries, you don’t need to like this game and you are not missed either.
When a player is washing the dishes because he is AFK while flying for 10 min, which part of it is supposed to qualify as “having fun playing Vanilla”?
it’s sod…so why don’t you just quit the game? sod is pretty bad.