It's Super Squirt Day! (24/09)

Ladies and Gentlemen, the time has come once again when Squirt visits the Garrison Menagerie during the Pet Battle event.

For those who have no idea what I am talking about, Squirt is a master Tamer that is repeatable and has not had her XP nerfed. If you have the right Battle Pets (There are a few setups that work) you can quickly boost a Lvl1 Pet to max without worrying about it being killed. Add the 200% more XP from the Sign of the Critter, and you can powerlevel multiple pets in a shorter time than it would normally take.

So grab your Safari Hats and and get levelling!

Might as well add the link to the best strats for levelling:

S/S Bronze Whelpling and Widget is my preferred one, but if you don’t have those, hover over the Alternatives list, and pick one that matches your roster.

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