Its the players fault theres so few healers in shuffle


I wish I recorded it but, yesterday I literally got kidney shotted on my hunter, I had no cds left, my Holy pala has 2 bops, I had to spam in the chat during the stun BOP BOP BOP BOP ( 65% dampening and Shiv, he wanted to Lay on hands lol) he finally found the button as I was about to die, I lived and finished off the enemy assa rogue

A different game I had a Disc priest who thought he was just going to look at my teammate being 20% for over a few seconds is fine so I started writing in chat SWAP HIM SWAP HIM SWAP HIM since I was in a cyclone anyway lol

It’s like a constant state of panic with a lot of healer players

Getting railed by 2 melees while playing ranged, my Hpala never wants to press freedom for me so I can kite? Bop Allergy? Trinket swapping me when I used turtle and was already 1 second into Turtle and literally can’t die?

A lot of healers create very hard games in Shuffle, and due to the amount of melees in Shuffle, a great many healers have 0 idea how to heal a ranged spec for example

and obviously I am going to die as a caster or something squishy to 3 melee zugzugs if my healer doesn’t understand how to trade CDs or help me kite

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Healers do make mistakes in shuffle, especially at low MMR. So do DPS. The original post was asking people to not be toxic. Constructive feedback is good, flaming someone doesn’t help anyone.

I went into a 0 RSS last night on my prevoker against a Dev evoker, druid and a mage. I had a DH and hunter on my team. The DH ran out of range after the Devoker. The hunter was dpsing the mage. They left me being chain cc’d with the mage and the druid. The DH flamed me when he died for ‘not healing’. I politely pointed out that I had no trinket and there was nothing else I could do.

Next round I had a ele shammy who lost the first 3 round with me and said something like “wtf this healer”. He went on to lose the next three rounds.

It’s a game. We all make mistakes sometimes. Instead of flaming people, just give helpful advice (if you have any). I’ve hardly played arena this expansion because of the toxicity. And the shame is that it’s only a very small percentage of people that do it. Most DPS are decent people.

I’m really looking forward to the new solo RBGs. I’m also worried that they will be just as toxic as RSS.

I only did shuffle to get to 1800. I don’t plan on doing it again, as it’s horrible. Maybe when I get really bored, or to grind conq for an alt.

This is probably the funniest take on I’ve seen so far.
Not that you’re wrong though. I quit healing too altogether.
Not worth the effort when I can do everything better half asleep as dps lol

It does until the constructive feedback is received as flaming by low IQ people.

If I’m on my warlock and ask a paladin “please bop me early into melees” , and he replies with “shut up trash”, what am I supposed to reply lol

The above is the general response if you try to say something to a healer like a normal person

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Average players’ interaction in solo shuffle, doesn’t matter what rating you are on
And then healer goes afk with you on top of that

I guess it depends if the advice is contentious. For me what you’re asking for is fine in 3s. Most hpals won’t want to use BoP early in RSS, they need it for dampening. It’s better to ask for Sac and concentration aura. Then maybe Freedom if you need to kite.

I do take your point though, we need to support DPS early on so they get momentum.


Majority of DPS in SS seems to be the type who will stand in front of the mobs in m+ and then go “tank wtf??? tankkkkkkkkkkkkk WHY I GET FRONTAL??? WTF TANK”


Case in point:

Shadow priest runs into Arms warrior and gets absolutely obliterated, doesn’t press defensives and guardian spirit procs as a result and then he dies without using swap later, and goes like this:

Yeah, that’s my WA whispering him guardian spirit procced on him earlier and then he died on the next go without swapping. “you had it ready”, no awareness at all of the game.

Legend btw.

If I’d encounter a player like this in m+, I’d just leave, lmao.

Like also seeing dps standing in middle getting perma focused by casters and theres a pillar right next to him and im like bro just take cover and connect with your healer but the guy then dies and wonders why it happened :skull:

DPS just go full pve mode vs the other dps, pop defs only when super low then when one dies its immediately “omfg noob healer”. Pretty much every shuffle match as a healer.

It works the other way around too tho?

DPS in Shuffle are forced to trust their healer. If my healer is safe in the back and not in CC, and damp is still not rampes up, I should not have to blow Turtle, because I will die the next time he is in CC.

You wrote it yourself in other posts. And I don"t have problems with healer missplaying, happens to everyone, to every role. But qq on this forum is filled almost exclusively with healer blaming their dps, and it is almost always taken for granted and never questioned.

Helaers up to 2.4k make mistakes all the time, but I rarely see them owning up for them, and btw I have seen more healers being toxic to dps than vice versa.

They usually have poor grasp on positioning, and while positioning itself is an everlearning process and something to reflect upon for every player, there is no other explanation for a healer who sits in melee range of enemy dps and eats all the micro cc instead of staying back safe, and only going in for a secure cc. Its like, there is a time for offense and defense and swinding those momentums is something lower healers struggle with.

Seeing it with resto druids and priests all the time, pushing for clones and fears on enemy healer while their dps is getting railled in a stun or resto shaman and hpaladins, two healers getting trained more and than panicking and trying to kite double melee behind pillar, losing their own dps out of any ability to kite and put pressure.

This is all from the role who got trinket changed exclusively for them, get inta ques, are almost immortal untill deep deep damp and have multiple stops and ways to get their dps hp back up. Imagine these healers in any expansion prior to Legion, what would they say than?

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As I said, overlaps happen because people can’t make a decision. Because you can’t know.

  • Do you know if your DPS is going to press? No
  • Do you know if your DPS SEES that you are in CC? No
  • Do you know if your DPS is a normal human being? Not until you get a few rounds into the queue

At the same time

This season is way too inflated so there is an abudance of bad healer players too. It is nearly impossible to go positive in any lobby below 2.5 if your spec relies on your healer not failing - e.g being a caster, sometimes MM hunter into 3 melees, Feral, etc.

The amount of bad Priests I had as healers this season is overwhelming. I’ve lost at least 500 rounds with my priest teammate trinketing for fun and then not having it for Void Shift, for example. Same for Resto Shamans, using spirit link in maybe 1-2 rounds out of 6, because they don’t know how to trinket. This is after me or my teammate using every possible CD that we had to survive.

The incentive for healers is laughable by the way, I recently dusted my priest for Solo Shuffle.

My god 50 Conquest, thank you! That’s so kind! Give me at least 100 that I can gear up a bit faster

I encountered few toxic players, but it never bother me much. At the end of the day, if I make a mistake I know it. If I have to run over for you behind 2 pillars because you can’t turn off tunnelvision, that’s not my problem :sweat_smile:

You get more
 if you win :smiley:

You probably don’t. Most healers don’t. Most players in general don’t know they made a mistake unless somebody else points it out. Unless its beyond obvious like dying with bubble available.

4-2 gave me 1 conquest badge, 1 honor badge and crest. I just want to highlight that this bonus is not feeling rewarding at all. At least in LFR you can resell the Draconic Runes for a bit of gold.

And you don’t leave rent free in my head, so I doubt you know what I do or think after I play :smile:

Some people do check themselves before crying wolf to the other, it’s rare but it does exist.

Well, you see, it’s a simple equasion.

If one knows their mistakes, they stop repeating them (unless IQ is too low). If they stop repeating them, they get to win more. If they win more, they get more rating.

So to about a 70-90% degree, most people who can’t breach a certain rating simply don’t understand what they are doing wrong. This is the very reason class guides and coaching exist.

The other 30-10% of the time a person loses due to his team sucking. On some specs it happens more than others, because some specs rely much more on their team playing good than others.

Based off the above, factologically you have not breached the Rival rank, which therefore means you are not sure what kind of mistakes you are doing to go further.

And based off forum statistics, your best response will be " I don’t have enough time to play and watch guides "

Case and point

(Not defending that aggro shadow you point out)

As someone how have played shadow a bit, there is no way he could kite a single meele in game eaven if he is void11, shadow just need too stand still and need too facetank meeles

Ofc his missplays can be hugh, you can get a tank as Shadow if you flash heal on shadow kick too get high uptime on flash heal dr and use feint dr right

And there is a 3rd DPs that needs too peel damage fpr your shadow

Just look a typical game as healer, very offten there is a guy who just do 123, 123, 123
 0 situational awarness, 0 defensive cooldown usage, 0 sense of gameplay, and as healer you put inhumane efford, the super human efford even to keep this guy alive, and in the end you almost win the round but you lose round because this guy die with ALL his defensives aviable
 And than this same guy when against you, by miracle decide to press his defensive, BRAVO CHAMPION BRAVO
 and you end game with 2:4 and get punished
Not to mention time wasted.

See why game is party where anyone have fun but healer is only one who pay the bill?
Because as healer you get punished for your efford to keep SS going.

Last game I played as disc I had a moonkin that refused to interrupt cyclones from the enemy healer.

“I need to use root and beam on him so we can score a kill”


And yes, he did root beam the resto druid. The druid just shifted it.