Its the players fault theres so few healers in shuffle

But spent a global? You know that in some cases that even works.

The guy died when I got cycloned, every round.

He could’ve stopped the clones that killed him, every round.

But he decided to hold his beam to root beam someone that can just shift to get rid of it.

Think he take away here is that druids shouldnt be able to shift while silenced… seems dumb as hell that they can

To heal SS you must accept that your most powerful button is ‘Join Queue’.

There are so few healers in there that you will reach your appropriate rating in a single session and always be able to recover any lost points in minutes. You will just bounce around your rating, nothing any A-hole does to you has any longterm consequence.

But they cannot say the same. They get to wait +1/2hr for the privilege of joining one of your countless Shuffles.

SS is not a team sport, you are not there to ‘support’ players. You are there to deliver the Hammer of Justice upon bio-NPCs.

Did some ex-glad make the mistake of being ‘memorable’ in a 1700s match at 8pm?
Do NOT respond to him, he is just trying to report you. Just requeue.
You will see him again at 9pm, and 10pm, and so on. He is just an occasional blip on your radar. But tonight, you are his every match.

Not entirely. I’ve put up with many that don’t use defenses to the point where I had to trinket the tiny CC just to heal them. Some DPS heavily relies on healers to keep them up whilst they focus purely on smashing those CDs, not taking their health / defenses into consideration because “oh, I have a healer so lets go pew pew.”

System is trash, whoever behind this it is as well.

Well theyre spamming it now that theres nothing to gain anymore, Im having shortest ques of all expansion :dracthyr_lulmao:

You aren’t wrong, but they definitely need to think of some clever ways to make healing Solo Shuffle a more enjoyable experience. I can accept that for every healer there will be 4 DPS as it’s a way more stressful role, but the way Healer MMR works isn’t helping matters.

Getting flamed isn’t that big of a deal. Use the ignore button and it goes away.

Indeed that would foster a much healthier mindset. However until then…

After 4hrs of repeatedly queuing into the same healer they pissed off, even the ‘mightiest’ DPS either ragequit or learn some fkn manners.

Healers need to remember DPS are not the wardens of your SS hell.
You are the warden of their SS hell, and it costs you essentially nothing to go scorched earth on one of them, all.night.long.

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