It's the Weekend! [Thread] 💃

Egads!!! its the weekend already!, goodluck to everyone working blackfriday!!

Queuing on a server, it looks like.

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on AD? 0.0

No, on one of my other characters on Draenor. I can play on AD, but my guild has rerolled on Draenor a while back.

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so anyone else awake and at work? -_-

I’m awake and at home, considering a couple of hamburgers for breakfast! :smile:


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i seriously need to level my main, at least i have half day work, but i have a party to go to after it, so sunday will be leveling day

Tell the party you have Covid-23, then stay home gaming and eating Sour Cream & Onion Pringles™ :+1:t2:

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Its Saturday, so fish and chips day in our house - working tonight and all day tomorrow unfortunately

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I was thinking of going out…oh wait I can’t, unless to shop or exercise, maybe see a friend - ah, I can’t go indoors and neither can they, pop into the pub maybe oh…oh well it will all end in tiers - that no one understands!!
Maybe I’ll play wow :slightly_smiling_face:


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Kek, dont bring that here m8

Staying in a 3 hour queue. What could be more fun

Happy weekend everyone!

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Happy weekend to you too!

Was going to ask what everyones plan was for the weekend but I think I got a pretty good hunch…

Gaming, woo! Phoenix Point, World of Warcraft, The Old Republic and Baldur’s Gate 3.

I know what I’m going to do this weekend. I’m going to go out on a spree of…


It’ll be in the news on Monday.

I can’t see your Link Frizzle, it says forbidden!!! Were you being naughty? :wink: