It's the Weekend! [Thread] 💃

I wish :sob: :older_woman:

Non-Fridays Fridays are the best Fridays. :grin:
We are having some clouds, but not rain so it’s going to be a great day to stay stuck at home because of confinement :unamused:



That’s not a proper way to treat beers!!!

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Even though Im not religious and you’re making a joke about made up guy I think one of my neighbours might be christian so I kind of feel offended by you making fun of such an important (for some) event.


I got banned for posting dictator memes so I’ve moved up to religion memes instead.
Only God can ban me now.
Apperently even God found that offensive

There were beers???

work work work, and Homework

so much for Weekend

No sunshine today, hoping it returns tomorrow.

BBQ before the snow supposedly hits

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Tomorrow is meant to be better, back up to 14 C

You call that better? Anything below 24 is terrible

Not here lol, getting colder as it goes on, we had a frost here this morning, though the afternoon has been cold but sunny.

It was only 9 C here today and overcast. It was fabulous when the sun was out the day before. It’s not hot but it’s pleasant enough to sit out in.

Welp, as Lockdown Bank Holiday weekends go, that was a belter!

It’s trying to snow again today. It wont manage it but it’s a wee bit chilly.

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We had Bliizzard conditions here in South Wales at 5.30am

Sunny now tho, but very very windy.

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I had a fairly groovy weekend, Family Quiz on Saturday, where everyone writes 10 questions, mine were all ‘opposite titles of songs or rewordings of them.’ Then I got conjunctivitis which wasn’t so great, but only in one eye, which is weird, then I got to shoot mutants in the face, have a massive stand off then gunfight between us 4 players, and 6 heretics, in of all places a P.E gym (Who knew it was possible to kill a man using one of those vaulting horse things?) Then firing molten plasma through a huge window at a Cockney traitor who I thought was dead, who turned out to -really- be a traitor and cast magic on me to turn me into a frothing psychopath who needs to attack the nearest thing to me. This is obviously one of those things filed as “A Problem”. Damned good game though…


Are we there yet?