It's the Weekend! [Thread] 💃

Gonna spam the forums this weekend most likely, or maybe just lurk around


Now that’s ironic…


Welll thats my weekend goosed…

I have Covid!!!



Hope it’s not very serious and that you get better soon :hugs:


for real? i hope you ll be better soon! i hope you dont have any major reactions. :frowning:

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But on the bright side, i just checked my bank account my wages from Home Depot went into and I saw I had just under $1900!!!

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Did you buy Aubern?

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I wish… But it would end in divorce lol…

“Hey ms defiler you know all that cash i got? Wait till you see what i bought!!”

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You never know until you try, maybe she’ll love her too…

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true… true…

Menage a trois…

Get well soon!


It’s sunday. It rains. It’s still pandemic all around the world. But…TODAY THERE’S PIZZA!! YAY! :pizza: :wine_glass: :dancing_men:

Get well soon! :heart:

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Well as it turns out i didn’t have corona, despite NHS 24’s insistence I did.

First night was coughing really bad and having chest pain (go figure) and when I called NHS 24 they ask you a truckload of questions which is pretty much telling you they think you have corona even if you phone up saying your foot smells funky and looks kinda blackish, they tell me to go to my local testing centre to get a test, or send off for a postal testing kit. As I’m fairly sure I have corona I send off the postal kit. fair enough, I’ll do that. Coughing stops Saturday morning.

Huge sigh of relief

Day after I’m doing well, coughing stops and feeling not too bad. Then approx midnight and quite possibly the worst night I have ever had. Constant vomiting and diarrhea of epic standard. Seriously, I’m on the toilet every 5 minutes.

Called up NHS 24 again. Told them my new symptoms.

“Oh you have covid”

Umm sure I know but why am I… you know… *shrugs You know. They tell me to goto the corona testing centrefor another test. It came back negative today. OK so it isn’t covid, and I needn’t bother calling NHS 24 again as they’re just gonna say it’s covid again.

Possibly due to the fact the person you are talking is just reading you questions from a computer screen. I got to question 3 and I could tell what every single question was going to be soon as she asked it. Not her fault, that’s just the system they have adopted right now.

Anyway, turns out I had Norovirus. Vomiting bug. Symptoms, vomiting (obviously) and diarrhea. BAD diarrhea.

So while my weekend turned out good on the covid front, like decided to pick me up and bodyslam me into a very sleepless routine of pretty much living on the toilet. I went through two full rolls of loo roll!

If you had a worse weekend that that you just made my day…

But thanbk you all nonetheless for the get well soon messages


Well, that’s good! :smiley:
Sorry, I had to. :sweat_smile: Get well soon!


Get well soon… also really, really observe the anti-bac hand cleansing use and handwashing routine, also get anti-bac wipes for door handles…also blitz toilet and sink, every day… Norovirus is very, very efficient at spreading itself.

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Weekend gone :frowning:

Sad noises


Countdown until the next one!


As far as I’m concerned it’s still the weekend. At least until I drink 2 more coffees.