It's the Weekend! [Thread] 💃

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

I went out a few walks and just tried to be outside - the weather was gorgeous this weekend! Tomorrow our shops and bars etc open back up so that’s great!

Sunday came around too soon though haha


Are we there yet?


2 more days. Can’t wait.

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Weekend shmeekend. Everyday is weekend, just a state of mind!

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Clearly an outbreak of cabin fever…and there is only one cure for a fever: Moar cowbell!

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it’s right around the corner!

It’s finally the weekend!

It’s friday, hooray!.. which is no different from thursday. Or wednesday for that matter :thinking:

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My older sister’s 8 month old cat died yesterday. And my oldersis can’t stop crying. :frowning:



Ur advertising alcohol n stuff, thats not good, mkay?

I’m not sure the weekend can top Thursday night to be honest, playing an Aliens tabletop RPG over Zoom, when the GM just goes, “Guys, watch this…” And it was a Cameo by Corporal Hicks from ‘Aliens’, not someone dressed as him, but the actual Hollywood actor Michael Biehn who had recorded a video, name checking us all in person, even ending with Hick’s line of “And remember, Stay Frosty”

If you don’t know who ‘Hicks’ is, or have never seen ‘Aliens’ you need to remedy that situation immediately… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Was he the guy with the pulse rifle?

Uhh, yeah, all the Marines in that film had Pulse rifles except the flamethrower user and the two Heavy machine gunners. It’s basically the last Marine left standing alongside Sigourney Weaver… Takes off Nerd hat


Nailed it! \o/

All marines are trained with pulse rifles as standard arnament and therefore it is their primary weapon except the two heavy machine gunners Drake and Vasquez, whose main weapon is the M56 smart gun, you see them wearing the gun harness which the gun is attached to for ease of use and stability while firing and on their heads they use the infra red tracking system it uses. (fun fact, the guns were actually modified MG 42 machine guns) and I am assuming the two dropship pilots Ferro and Spunkmeyer were armed with sidearm handguns, indeed Ferro tries to defend herself with her sidearm when the Alien attacks her but would have been trained in pulse rifle use. After Gorman found out what would happen if the rounds from said rifle hit the reactor and he ordered to stop using the marines had to resort to their other armaments. For example Dietrich (their field medic), is seen being the first to be grabbed by an Alien, she is armed with a flamethrower, and Private Frost is seen with a handgun after being the poor unfortunate grunt picked to hump around a whole handful of ammo clips in a bag which of course explode when Dietrich douses him in a napalm blast when she is grabbed. Hicks of course has his pump action shotgun. When Apone is grabbed it appears he too has a flame thrower and is about to use it when the alien crushes him. When panic overtakes them and they retreat Vasquez and Drake cover them with their smart guns, until Drake runs out of ammo and he resorts to his flame thrower. After that, I’m going to assume the remaining marines presumably don’t care about hitting the reactor anymore or they are no where near it for a pulse rifle round to pierce it.

That would be correct, yep, the RPG is based on the canon game universe lore for ‘Aliens’, I chose ‘Pilot’ (And have my own Dropship!) and part of your starting rig is indeed a sidearm and a Pulse Rifle. Also the Pilot/Copilot Helmets are of equal durability and protection as the ground based Marines ones and not just there to help them fly…

Definitely wine o’clock