It's the Weekend! [Thread] 💃

Started cleaning house today for the weekend xD and cut myself along the way :C

House work is a hazard. That’s why I avoid it as much as possible :grimacing:


Our paint stores etc are opening again so ima go out to buy some paint to get started on the babies grown up room! And a new lock for our front door cause I can never get it to lock up…

And hopefully get my Lightforged draenei to 110 tomorrow (she is 100 now so might be a far stretch unless there is an invasion in Legion) and get started on my Kul tiran shaman!

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You’ve got the right idea Korrina. Stay safe.




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Work is a ****show today (day 1 after lockdown)

I’ve got just the perfect topic for you guys coming up soon, should ease your stress while having a good laugh <3


A 4 star rated show? Blimey, sounds great :smiley:

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the irony here is its a literal 4 star (level 4 lockdown, just left level 5, SA has a new system) show XD

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That looks very suspicious.

It’s a trap!

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Working weekend for me, so not very happy about it being weekend :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Im just working for today and Saterday then im off Sunday, hopefully catching some ZzZz’s xD

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Gonna enjoy the great weather and take a small hike after work with my wife.
And later gonna do some m+ with my real life buddies and have a drink. :tumbler_glass:

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Still 6 hours to go for me until I get out of work and into netflix with just a couple of clicks. This lockdown sucks but at least it has made commuting that easy :stuck_out_tongue:

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Working, some housework and visions or m+ later tonight.

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Hi there!

Im a brand new WOW player looking to start my adventure!

I have no idea what im doing. however my wife seems to have got the hang of it!

I need help leveling my Level 4/5 ork so that I can start leveling with my wife who is level 33.

My wife is a NHS nurse so she it VERY busy at the moment. but I know it would be great for me to suprise her with a character at th same level. So when she gets home in the evening We can enjoy WOW together.

Anyone who can give me a hand understanding how to play a Mage and get me out of this starting area would be great!

My battletag is : Capocalypse#21230