It's the Weekend! [Thread] 💃

Goodbye weekend, until next time!

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51min left :frowning:

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Monday good! One day closer to Friday!


my time off is just starting :slight_smile:

intro tune
Once… There was this guy who…
Had a little brain fart and made a mecha… gnome…
And when… He finally came to…
He… Saw… Disaster unfold before him…
he couldn’t quite explain it,
he never thought it would ha… ppen…

Once. there was this girl who…
swore that one day she would be the reddest red
And when… She finally became red…
She… Saw… A deathknight who was redder…
She couldn’t just accept it so she went back to bl…onde…

They all thought… That they were Fabulous…
They all thought, That they could match her…

And then… There was a green orc…
Kept on forgetting to shave and remove his facepaint
And when, he robbed Orgrimmar bank…
He… found…
His face was easily recognisable…
He couldn’t quite think why, the goblins outed him in the I.D pa…rade…


And Then, there was this Blood elf…
Who came back from hiatus and tried to get TL3…
But when… he read the forums…
He… Saw…
Endless green notifications…
He couldn’t quite see how, why he was so perse…cuted…

They all took note of the injustice…
Of how that Death knight, kept her TL3 so long…

And then… There was a girl who…
Kept on being blamed for everything that happened…
But when… she proclaimed her inno…cence…
The forums… Laughed…
And jeered at her loudly…
She couldn’t quite explain it, maybe it was the sparkly green wri…ting…

(I need to go to sleep, happy end of weekend ya skinny gibbons!)

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Still 7 days more of weekend for me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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mine just started , 4days off. nahnananah. Party time :beer: :wine_glass: :pizza: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
actually its more than 4 because i start at 19 pm on fryday

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Wishin’ ya all de nice weekend.


Easter Bank Holiday Weekend \o/


Have a nice weekend and Happy Easter! (and enjoy the rest of Ramadan)

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The only rabbits I want to see are either in pies or road pancakes.

works retail
You know how many easter eggs I delivered tonight…
I had 2 turnarounds… Clocked 250 kmiles.

(A turnaround is what we call when you finish one delivery, head to the store and pick up a new delivery. To save time we put all turnarounds on the same truck and start a new delivery run right after we finish the previous)

It was a LOT of eggs.
Can’t wait till tomorrow…

But enjoy your holidays you lovely people (seriously)

same to you, you lovely scamp

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I did Retail work once, never again. Working at times when everyone else is off sucks too much.

I feel you, do you get alternative time off or you just have to suck it up?

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Not really, in fact i just got handed a ahift for tomorrow, guess Ill be eating ny chocolate bunny on my break lol

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She used to work retail like you, but then she took an arrow to the knee.


23°C today, a bit too warm for mid-April. But tourists will love it I guess? :sun_with_face:

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but then again it has its advances.
i always work weekends , its not that bad.
ex you come home after work 5pm something then like dang, must going to the grossery or whatever to stand there in line for half an hour
me going in the morning walking in and out.
many more ex i can give
if you are as old as me you dont give much anymore on going out with the masses but prefer the more quiet days/ evenings at resto’s etc.
but enjoy youre extended weekend , have a nice one :wine_glass:

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Really ?? The store I work in is shut tomorrow, the only other day it shuts is Xmas day. Just about to start a ‘lovely’ 3-10pm shift now

My thoughts will be with you as I lazily play games with feet on the table and munching on snacks.

Nah, not really, won’t be giving you a second’s thought! Enjoy your workday!

Glorious…Happy Saturday everyone.

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