It's time for legendaries to me transmoggable

Back when transmog was released, there were very strict rules. Blizzard wanted some items, such as legendary weapons including Thunderfury, Valanyr and Dragonwrath, to feel unique and special. They didn’t want everyone and their dog running about with them - these were often iconic and powerful artifacts from the game’s lore.

However, as time was gone by, transmog has become ever more popular and these rules have, for various cosmetic items, been relaxed. There is one standout exception to this though: Legendary weapons.

Dragonwrath, the rogue daggers, Shadowmourne, Atiesh Valanyr and Thunderfury still cannot be transmogged and I believe that the time has come to change this. My reasons for this are as follows:

  1. These weapons still take a considerable amount of effort to obtain - I recently did the Dragonwrath chain on my shaman at 120 and it still took nearly 8 weeks. Valanyr is a right PITA to get now as it seems like they nerfed fragment drop rates. This effort surely deserves a reward.

  2. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone will mog them. They will be popular, but there are so many weapons to choose from now, and people are so keen on creating matching sets that I don’t think this will be a problem.

  3. The whole “these are meant to be unique and special” argument is absolutely 100% invalid now. Artifact weapons can be transmogged, meaning every level 100 paladin can run about with the bloody Ashbringer, and every level 100 shaman can run around with the DOOMHAMMER - 2 weapons which are regarded as being some of the most powerful and iconic in the game’s lore. Why is it that these can be transmogged but Dragonwrath cannot? It’s a totally ridiculous double standard now.

  4. Making them transmoggable will encourage people to run fantastic older content (and Dragon Soul LOL) to obtain cool appearances.

Basically, I am struggling to think of even 1 real valid reason why these weapons shouldn’t be transmoggable. This would be an easy lever to press Blizzard. Let’s do it.


I agree, I second this. We have had many legendaries drop from various instances and occasions over the years, hard to obtain, and now they become worthless to us, but their transmogs are beautiful.

I also think it’s a waste that we cannot transmog them. I still have some of them in the banks of some characters. It would be great to be able to wear their appearances.

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Yeah, I agree fully. And you forgot the pinnacle of double standards, and this is coming from a Demon hunter. You can transmog the Warglaives of Azzinoth. As you’ve said, certain legendaries aren’t even important due to the power of some weapons from Legion, like the Ashbringer, Doomhammer, Fist of Ra-Den, Aluneth and some more.

/10 chars

Let legendaries mean something , dont make them a random/common Blue/Green/Epic item .

I would hate if they implement any ‘TrANsMoG lEgENdAry’ option in the future.

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There’s technically no reason not to have them moggable anymore as they’ve made Watglaives of Azzinoth moggable, along with the HD Thunderfury for rogues.

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