It's time to make forced mercenary mode

Mythic, Heroic, Normal, LFR, LFD, and all way on the bottom is pvp.

Show me the stats you have,and links.Stop beating around the bush.

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No. Its time to make One Mega Global PvP Server and put PvP Vendors Back. F#ck this PvE s#it.

So I can’t even pick up my daily quests??? Seems to be what you want since if I’ll be forced alliance in open world I can’t even go to Newhome to pick up quests cause they’ll be hostile

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Please no braindead answers… If you don’t understand something it’s better to not comment than act like complete newbie.

Then don’t make a braindead suggestion :slight_smile:

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Dude, EVERYTHING from raiderio to wow graphs lists it to be so.
What do you mean what stats i have? EVERY stat out there confirms it.

Myself don’t really like the rewards that warmode gives, we should do wpvp because we enjoy it not because gathering a group and gankbang every poor sool that comes in the groups way

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We are not talking here about witch faction outnumbers witch,the data i linked from realm pop proves it’s horde in the EU.We are talking about the wPVP part of the game,that in some people eyes is favored horde,witch means you go in the pvp part of the game,the leaderboards on blizzards offical site for rankings in 2v2,3v3,10v10 bg’s teams in EU and US you look for discrepencies over there,cause those players are probably doing there far share of wpvp while they are doing there daily routine in the wpvp.
And as i said i am abit sceptical about peoples XP that somehow a faction that was since Vanila=>Wod the goto faction for pvp,now lacks pvp players that will opt in for Wpvp,witch just proves more that the Xp from people on the forums is more scuffed.But they made up there mind,and are dead set in there beliefs.
Pls show me your stats,sites and back up for once your claim where the 55:45 odds from realm pop are boggus,and that the wpvp WM on mode is dominated by the horde.I provided not only the data that the population discrepency across EU isnt big as people would like it to be.But from my own personal experience i was also camped by aliance players on my horde character the same as with my alliance.So i am sceptical about those “you dont know,you only play horde”,and the alliance side is dying,when everything i experienced suggests otherwise.Prove me wrong,and make some effort.

Also i tied in to the post regarding the population that was proven by the realm pop site,and from my personal logs from monday-friday during mornings and peak hours that the premade group tool has around overal 1/5 more horde groups for BFA Raids,Dungeons,Legacy part.Witch only proves more the realm pop data 55H:45A odds.

I did my part,and i also have the leaderboards regarding EU/US stats but i am w8 on you to make some effort and provide links,data on your part of the claim,witch so far is nothing more then hot air.

They always do it:

Horde: “But at 1-120 it’s 55/45 so it’s balanced!”
Players: "Uhm… Why is LFG empty (no seriously couldn’t even find a TOS mythic mog run for 2 days in the damned evenings) and why isevery leaderboard now dominated by Horde? Especially CoS, where it was 100 horde guidls vs 11 or 13 Allaince at closing?
Said Hordie: That’s not proof, oh btw I can’t find any Alliance people to raid, there is not enough people so that’s why I play Horde!
Players: You just proved if you subtarct all alts it’s vastly Horde domianted in all aspects…
Hordie: NO! It’s 55/45! Btw Blzizard, i can’t complete my requirement in nazjatar and have trouble finding Alliance to kill…

It’s funny how anything PvP related Alliance has instant queues where horde have to wait 10, 15 or 20 minutes.


Seriosuly AV? That’s the newest excuse to justify this mess? Oh and I didn’t mind dying once, I minded I was the only Alliance in a sea of red (again). It was unplayable. But you don’t care since WM for most Horde is like playing with WM off but with bonusses. And if you encounter an Alliance it’s large group of horde vs 1 or just a few Alliance. rare farming in 8.2? Supply caches? With WM on for Alliance? This the 17th day and every time I had to resort to LFG. All Alliance gathers at the supply cache and we are like 1 to 7 people tops. Horde shows up without LFG in 25+ without fail so far.

Yes nearly every time I pulled a rare in WM in Nazjatar without joining a LFG group I got killed and spat on by locust swarms of Horde arriving. If this is oke for you, such shards I want you to be put in a shard where it’s you vs 40+ Alliance. This is why Allaince turn WM off and Horde on (risk free, msotly), WM on for Horde is Wm off for Alliance is the exact same experience.


At the end of the day the OP is talking rubbish, yes maybe there’s an imbalance but there always will be.
On stormscale every time i go to mechagon it’s overrun by alliance so saying horde are always dominating is just plain and simply not true.

But you know what i do? just get on with it, that’s wpvp, there is no rules.

And like somone else pointed out for pretty much the whole of wows history alliance had always been the pvp faction, even bg’s are designed in a way that some offer an unfair advantage to the alliance. You can’t always have everything.

If outnumbering is as bad as claimed, there will be 4 or 5 bounties. But, bounty is just an example of reason to start a group.

How proactive you are, is entirely up to you. If you care about being outnumbered, you can attempt to do something about it.

Usual reason for outnumbered is one or more enemy lfg groups in zone. Get them to disband, balance improves, you did your part.

Or, just complain about something that will not improve, because it’s just how the game mode is designed.

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Just get rid of the factions already and make warmode like timeless isle where i can attack everybody who has warmode on problem solved.


So, remove a challenge from the game, instead of co-op to overcome it.

While we are at it. I don’t like grouping for dungeons. Just let me solo them. Then no co-op required.

Ye, just reduce everything to solo play. That seems to be what people really want.

Well, not me :slight_smile:

I think at this point it simply comes down to Horde having way more players. Up until 8.2 Alliance had the best racial for M+ enviroment (Shadowmeld) and despite that most groups who push M+ are Horde.

At the start of the MDI though, where you could create a character on the test realm to run pre-set key/affix combos for the qualifier groups were predominantly Alliance (mainly nightelves of course.)

I am not sure how Blizzard can fix the imbalance there is between factions truth be told. It will not be an easy way to fix.

But if there’s barely anything to kill, you won’t get 4-5 bounties :sweat_smile:

Just add mercenary mode to wpvp and give same quest and buff for mercenaries that the underpresented faction currently has.


No kegerator, man…
how is this possible for 14% drop rate or smth from wowhead?:slight_smile:

Same. I swear it doesn’t exist.

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