It's time to Shadowmeld

That’s because Night Elf can’t be paladin (yet.) The most popular class.

Also, Blood Elf are the only DH race.

Maybe try looking at : stats/classes-races/maxlevel

Night elf are also one of the few if not only good looking race that also happen to have a good racial for druids.
So if we gonna draw some conclussions, numbers of night elves can drop if night elf wasnt the only sane choice both aesthetically, thematically and racial wise.

instead to keep on buffing other racials so they can keep up with shadowmelt why dont you just nerf or remove shadowmelt?

i guess the dmg is done by now, (you buffed loads of racial to the point that race now really matters, while you left the majority unbuffed making them obsolete races now!)

Shadowmelt shouldn’t be able to be used in combat, otherwise it’s too powerful

Blizz should just make racials, well, non-racial.

Meld is extremely super duper broken for a whole slew of reasons, it shouldn’t be relegated only to NE, we should be able to choose the racials we want.

This makes absolutely no sense and will damage the game lore even more than last 3 addons.

Blizz have the ability to tune abilities both inside and outside PvP.

This could extend to racials.

Shadowmeld could function exactly how it is in PvE (if it isn’t causing issues)

But in PvP quite frankly it’s rather OP

It could and should provide a stealth function. Yes…

Temporary immunity to damage. No.
Dropping targeting no.

It’s quasi interupt of sorts vs casters with zero risk / reward. Use it and clear targeting on you and stop cc/incoming damage. Simple.

I’m not saying don’t allow it during combat. That would make it useless. But perhaps mid cast abilties continue to target the user unless they stealth after use.

Buffing the others is a start. I’m all for races being unique. But shadowmeld is one of the most powerful Racials if not the most.

Alternatively. Disable all racials in PvP.

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Shadowmeld is balanced.
In fact it needs to be buffed. More charges maybe could make it better against other superior racials.

You shoudlnt able to use shadowmeld in combat. It is extremtly annoying! If you refuse to nerf it then buff all racials!

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So the devs in the last interview said how they were “looking into some other racials that are still overperforming” but that they didn’t feel it was right to nerf them mid season.

I’m looking forward to how they are going to address/change Shadowmeld, and possible the dwarf racials too?

These are clearly the only racials the dev team could be referring to, reflected in their numbers across all content.

It’s time to nerf Shadowmeld.

You are not supposed to use shadowmeld in combat. ONLY out of combat so please NERF it now!

I play Night Elf - Shadowmeld to get out of combat bug so i can keep on playing the game.

I really wouldnt mind shadowmeld getting a nerf if they would give druids a play dead ability again…so we can get out of the in-combat-bugs.

On the other side of that…nobody would be playing NE after a shadowmeld nerf in any competitative content ever again…due to everything else of NE is pretty sheety.

As a racial ability it can do a little to much imo.

It can negate things like; stormbolt, mortal coil, but also anything with a travel time, doesnt matter of its cc or a damage ability such as aimed shot or chaos bolts.

For stealth classes it can work as a third vanish(if second one is chosen as as the talent ofc) you can go as far as saying, well you kinda gimping yourself if you choose anything else, because a third vanish is THAT strong in the competetive scene.

You can skip trashpacks in m+ and also drop combat and drink etc.

This is common knowledge at this point, it can do all these things as JUST a racial ability. Fade for example isnt even that strong. You even have to take a pvp talent for it, which still isnt as good. Remember, We also had a similar case back with Arcane torrent/blood elf stack. This was nerfed as well eventually.

All in all, I think Shadowmeld should be nerfed. Not removed. Its very thematic, but at this point its just to strong for a racial. I have no clue how this stayed untouched, after the human and zanda racial critique as well.

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This is imo one of the biggest problems with Meld, it’s so stupidly OP on stealth classes, especially rogue, since their burst is tied to it.

So if you don’t pick NE that’s literally a 33% reduction in your burst and CC opportunities.

That is BROKEN, and no class should gain that much from a racial.

To be fair, Fade can have a 50% uptime if you choose to, that’s pretty decent. But you’re right, Meld is still better situationally.

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I think adjusments will do wonders, maybe change it negate 1 spell/ability, instead of everyting that is cast from every one in that window of travel time (this includes some random mage casting pyro or what ever from 40 yards away and released it, it can take what 4 sec?) So instead of negating everything there, this part could be looked at, but still keeping the vibe. Example, shadowmeld, now melds after 3/4 sec of standing still into stealth. Its active component would still work, but now mitigate one ability/spel instead.

For example, if you cast fade(1 sec duration of avoiding spells) while chaos bolt is casted. You will probably fail there to avoid it, because the travel time is longer and still hit you. Shadowmeld doesnt have that problem as long as you are standing still all these spells casted from any one beforehand will vanish into you. Hit, but no effect. Outside of the shorter cooldown, this in combination with dropping out of combat, which fade doesnt do, its so much stronger in that regard.

Its almost like spectral guise, dropping combat, avoid ranged spells or other shenanigens. That to got removed and even wgen asked, we didnt got it back.

Yes the uptime of Fade is much higher, but still we are realistically comparing a active class ability vs a simple racial one. While also keeping in mind, that fade has to be timed carefully, since 1 sec is really, but I mean really short. It kinda works when you see the chaos bolt fly towards you, but it also fails sometimes. It a very short window and need to make sure you press it at the right time.

I don’t think I ever posted on this forum, but I really wanted you to know you’re probably the lowest worth human being I’ve seen here.

https:// youtu. be/vuRNoBOkDzY

If you refuse to backup your point with proper argumentation, you dont belong on a forum.
Same goes for you.
Throw a tantrum if you want, doesnt change anything.

Nearly every healing spec in Mythic + has Nelf at the top.
Nearly every healing spec in PvP has Nelf at the top.

If ever Night Elf got Shaman and Paladin then they would have a complete monopoly on healing specs. The reason is because of Shadowmeld, not because they have cool hair.

Shadowmeld can be used to dodge and cheese incoming m+ and pvp attacks.

Shadowmeld can be used to vanish and drink mana in stealth.

Shadowmeld can be used to skip packs in M+

Shadowmeld can be used as an extra vanish on rogues and druids, completely making it mandatory for those spec unless you want to delibratly nerf yourself.

Shadowmeld can be used drop combat and fully res your party in M+


Agree, on my Nelf I’m melding many of dungeon mechanics which from my perspective is completly abuse. As example: Faceless Corruptor - super strong Corrupt cast that is instantly stopped after meling.
My blood elf has AoE dispel (nerfed from silence!), but there is nothing to dispel on dungeons especially AoE.

Member when they cried orc stun duration reduce in pvp, meanwhile shadowmeld 50 times more op.

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I have been playing night elf on most of my classes and yes, it’s completely OP, should get nerfed.