It's time to Shadowmeld

For a long time now, Shadowmeld has been vastly out performing the other racials in PVP and Mythic + content.

Lots of attention has been drawn to this issue, especially in light of some other racials being “buffed,” however, the fact remains that Shadowmeld is just far and away more powerful and has many game changing uses.

Other racials that were considered OP because they became “compulsory” and meta, have been nerfed time and time again, but for some reason devs seem afraid to do the same with the Night Elf ability.

As it stands, every healer that can choose Night Elf does so for PVP and M+ …If and when they add Shaman and Paladin class to Nelf, this problem will be even further exasperated. Shadowmeld is just too powerful to not use.

SM is also used by many specs in M+ to skip mobs, drop combat and rez the party or drop combat to drink.

It’s also used to dodge and negate encounters and PVP players can use it to completely immune some spells, or drop combat and drink mana, or rogues and druids are practically forced to roll nelf for that extra vanish which ties in so strongly with their kit, like NO other racial does.

There will always be people (that obviously play Night Elf) that will claim that it’s not OP and they will fight tooth and claw NOT to get it nerfed - I wonder why?

Everyone knows it is OP. Night Elf now dominate every aspect of competitive play, filling a huge percentage of the played races. In PVP this has also lead to there being a huge migration to the Alliance, which do seem to have, generally, the better racials compaired to the Hordes.

Devs. It’s time to NERF SHADOWMELD.


No its not.

Other racials have been buffed not because Shadowmeld was overperforming but because the other racials were under performing.
Proof of this is that they did not buff all racials, but a select few.

Wait, you actually gonna use the nerf to human and orc racials which were the equivelent of having an extra trinket +/- 20% stun reduction to Shadowmeld ?
I also wonna focus on a sentence

My G, Night Elf racial didnt do anything until Wrath. Half of its existence was completely useless underwhelming racial. While other racials were evently powerful throughout their entire existence (except blood elf, their racial really sucks now), orc specifically was overperforming since day 1 beta classic wow until now.

Its an ability bro, people will use it. There other ways of achieving the same result.
Rogue vanish, Hunter feign death and so on.
Its not like i havent pulled trash with my rogue into Evasion for my party to cross and then vanish it to yield absolutely the same result.

Its a spell people are gonna use it, Andy.
Dwarves can also avoid spells with their racial , remove bleeds and some charms, paired with the right class and boom- its op.
Same with void elves + any class that has already good kyting abilities.
Humans/orcs are also considerably broken paired with hunter/mage.

Because we like the spell?
Also because we played night elves regardless of the racial not working during half of its existence ?
And mostly because PvP needs proper tuning, Shadowmeld affects exactly nothing if you look at the whole picture, its all absurd mechanics from all specs, paired with insane micro cc, pushbacks, crazy amount of cds that you need to track and so on.
The issue is not Shadowmeld.
Shadowmeld is like a scapegoat, straw on an already overloaded camels back type of situation, homie.

There will always be people (mostly not night elf) that will claim its OP.

The only thing done forcefully, that will force me to reroll is a nerf to Shadowmeld.
Druids dont even have a restealth.

No , its just people are no longer 14 and live in a mudhouse, be blamed for genocide and etc.
If you havent seen the comments in WoWhead under every lore drop where horde are the bad guys, people are explaining how they dont wonna be horde anymore.
The majority of the players want to be the good guys.

Not me necceserily - im an undead druid of the nightmare but thats just me you know.

Curious to hear what a nerf to Shadowmeld means to you ?

Also last thing i wonna put out there:
Night elves are simply cool and based, who wouldnt want to be a 7 feet muscle mommy with tattoos and scars that lives in a forest heaven.
I am willing to be a lot of money that even without shadowmeld , only the sweaty 3 % will reroll another race and even then we gonna catch hate cause most races are just plain and ugly.
I dont wonna be a human in a fantasy game, not a gnome, trolls ,orcs, taurens are freaking ugly, maybe if i get older ill reroll to undead, to match my rotting beauty irl.
You know what i mean ?


Enough said.

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Not what i meant.
im a stealther. The only stealther to be precise- that does not have a restealth.
You dont want people to feel forced to play a race yet you wonna force them out.
Why ?

I don’t want them to force anyone out. You would carry on playing Night Elf if you like the class.

The same way Blood Elf players carried on when they nerfed their AoE silence.

Or Orcs when they removed stun resist.

Or humans when they changed their racial. (Which is now usless in pvp for human healers as it shares the same 1:30sec CD with the pvp trinket, but people that like humans still play them!)

You are exactly the type of Night Elf player I meant, that will fight tooth and claw to not have SM nerfed, because your being disingenuous when you say “it’s not OP.”

You know it is.

Everyone knows it is.

Devs. Nerf Shadowmeld

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Blood Elf racial is underperforming as i stated even in my initial post.
So you want to make Shadowmeld Inferior and by that token you’re completely hypocritical.
You’re the same type of people who cry for equality but want to dominate instead.
You dont want it to perform evently, you want it to be scuffed.

Idk precisely how the human racial works, someone of the newcommenters have to confirm it. But admitedly there racials who underperform and they should get buffed.
One of them as i said initially is Blood Elf racial.
As for orc passive racial who was removed under the token that Stun Resistance as a trait had been completely removed from the game. So again you cherry pick some nonsense and avoid being objective.
And to prove my point: the moment after the nerfed Orc racial- it was still the best racial in the game and everyone was horde prodominantly. This is the era after classic wow and tbc. Horde were dominating every statistic, mostly orcs in all brackets, pve and pvp.
So who again is being disingenious, me or you ?

Mr. you’re the type of person who is not here to have a discussion but to troll the forum.
Hense why Ill ask you - if you’re willing to be taken seriously, comment with your main.

There are more night elves above 1800 than all Horde races combined

Sorry for not wanting to be ugly.

Thanks for the bump.

Nerf Shadowmeld.

reported for trolling and spam.
Since you cant have a normal conversation.

I’m not trolling. You just don’t like the fact that someone thinks Shadowmeld is OP.

Which it is.

Your discusions are just you going “nooooo it’s not!!!”

Here’s some more OP uses of SM:

Okay, so tell me about the OP use-cases that the twenty-some undesirable racials fill out in comparison to, say, a racial that has defined almost every single showstopper MDI run in the past couple years? Mandatory’s Black Rook Hold run that secured their best of five win? Shadowmeld. The Dawn of the Infinites multi-platform portal pull? Shadowmeld. Perplexed’s nine minute Atal Dazar? Shadowmeld. Perplexed’s Ara Kara? Shadowmeld.

Healers being able to SM drink in PVP is busted.

Players being able to negate entire M+ mechanics.

Every healer in M+ going Nelf so they can SM rez.

Rogues and Feral needing to take SM to get a free vanish, and integreal part of their tool kit.

Nerf Shadowmeld already!

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Your entire motive about making something inferior because your presume its superior, via crying for equality and underperformance is an entire logical fallacy on its own but ok.

I think you’re the troll here. please leave the discussion if you’re just going to whine.

I think I presented fair points along with holes in your argument if we can even call it that, more like a poorly presented statement would be more fitting.
I am also commenting from my main, while you comment from a hidden 2nd account alt.
Spaming the same thing over and over again.
This aint 4chan dude.

I repeat some well discussed reasons SM is considered OP for you.

And what exactly about this anti-shadowmeld post is Undermine(d) specific or has anything top do with the PTR?

Absolutely nothing, please move it to the PvP forums where it belongs. :beers:

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**grabs popcorn

I would like the devs to consider it for patch 11.1

Making Worgens run a a little faster hasn’t changed the fact that Shadowmeld is still a huge outlier in power when it comes to racials… for all content.

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That doesn´t make it relevant to the content being developed, which this sub-forum specifically exists to provide feedback on…

Lol, seriously?

It´s completely useless in raids except to possibly survie a wipe or to reset a boss and the same applies to M+ (except for rare exceptions like the Rezan- focus, most of which are simply bugs) by that logic Invisibility and Feign death also have to be removed.

The only people complaining about it, with all due respect, are PvP players. That said IMO all racials should be deactivated in PvP, fullstop. It´s just a balance nightmare at this point.

But campaigning in the name of “everyone” to serve a miniscule handful of the playerbase is IMO the wrong way to go about it. :beers:

I potentially agree with this. This shouldnt happen.

Why not? Says who ?
I already told you you can do this via a rogue who uses evasion while the rest cross with their mount and rogues vanishes right after they do and joins them.
By this logic rogue should lose evasion and vanish.
Its just clever use of gaming mechanics.
On the other side- if this is not intended ALL they need to do is give all mobs True Sight.

I agree with this. This shouldnt be possible.

Hunters got a restealth baseline.
Feral druids dont.
Let that sink in.
Also with Cyclone nerfed from 6 to 5 seconds now even that restealth possibility is gone.
Understand that rogues are problematic, there should be a solution to that but Shadowmeld alone isnt a big deal for clases.

Final thoughts:
Every mechanic has a niche where it performs the best.

And even if something is good, doesnt mean it should become inferior.
Im surprised that you choose to openly strife for the same thing you initially complain about → a racial being better than other racials. → solution → make racial underperforming → other racial is now the best → solved?

Another thing:
https ://www. dataforazeroth. com/stats/races/maxlevel
Here are the statistics proving exactly what i said earlier.
If we are to follow the same logic- Blood elves got the most powerful racial, according to statistics.
Follow by night elf
and we see a huge gap in orc.
Because they ugly.