The systems pre-Legion were mostly optional side content. It was Netherwing for super-fast flying and a (then) unique mount. It was Argent Tournament or fishing with Kala’uk. It was Tillers farming or Cloud Serpent. In MOP just exploring for treasures and history tablets or statues was a thing.
Mostly these didn’t need to be done on alts either.
Professions used to be fun but I pretty much ignore them now. Not entirely sure why. I guite liked the Legion profession quest (except when they forced us into dungeons).
Professions and Reputations could be tweaked and made into better end game progressions quite easily I think.
That’s my point. I don’t have “a main”, I love all my character equally and I want to reach a high standard with them. During WotLK / Cata / MoP / WoD I had almost all classes fully geared on endcontent level at one point or another. I wan’t to spend time with all of them, but not at the same time. I only call one of them my main because the game forces me to do so, since most things aren’t account wide and its more efficent to do them with the same character.
Yes I do. The game changed, and not in a good way imo, that’s why its absolutely possible to blame the game. I was able to play like that during WotLK. Rep grinds ended at some point and you could finally stop doing those horrible repetitve quests. But now in SL with Korthia I can’t do that. I need to check dailies with all my characters each day, because there are rewards that appear randomly and won’t return again for ages. The rep grind doesn’t stop, because there are paragon chests you even if you’re done with the rep, you still need more codex currency to upgrade your gear. It’s sooo annoying. I already had to abandon half my characters because of that and it makes me sad.
I agree with some of what you’re saying but by no means all of it.
WoW’s levelling nowadays is very short. It has left a gaping hole that used to be an open world full of life, causing that experience to wither and die. It also causes learning abilities too fast and then, shortly thereafter, not ever really getting anything new.
I think that sucks. I think gaining spells and powers beyond items, or as part of items, is perfectly okay.
HOWEVER these spells must be reasonable and balanced, and there must be an end to it. This has not been the case for BfA and SL, but it was the case in Legion.
Furthermore, I believe that the “levelling game” - because that’s really what AP is, should present you with new areas and challenges as you progress through it. It is simply not fun to be farming the same dailies for months and months while ignoring 95% of the game.
It’s all because everyone wants to reach the endgame as quickly as possible so they can run the same 8 dungeons and 1 raid forever and ever.
I really have to ask “why?” There is no logical reason to be at the end-game other than “Well Blizzard couldn’t make enough content because I won all of it”. It is the worst possible state of the game to be in, and it always has been.
The real problem is Blizzard just f’ing up the whole levelling game to a legendary degree so everyone wants to get out of it as quickly as possible.
I mean just the general notion that it’s the player’s fault when the game deliberately leads the player into a path through rewards that’s no fun is just absurd to me. This is 100% and entirely the designer’s fault. The player had no way of knowing the game would break if the player simply did what the game recommended and rewarded.
Oh you sweet summer child, don’t you know it’s all the players fault. Don’t understand the lore? Well it’s not bad writhing you just didn’t buy the 1000 books that explain those 2 quests in Maldraxxus.
But, yeah I agree with you, Its backwards logic, however Tahra only agrees with that notion when it suits her style of play which I am still trying to figure out, anything else is player inflicted.
And it’s not just item rewards in RPG’s or whatever, it can be anything.
For example Halo 2 1-shots you with snipers. The only way to beat it - that is the only way to be rewarded with the ability to continue the story - is to memorise every location of every sniper and snipe them first.
Is reloading the game 50 times fun? No, absolutely not. Is it the only way win? Yep. Whose fault is this? Well, duh.
(Short termers for time taken to make your legend):
Soul ash
Soul Cinders
(longer term):
Grateful offerings
Renown (which is a system that time gates pvp unlocks, transmog unlocks, etc, etc.)
–Story time gates (linked to unlocking flying.)
Mage Tower, class specific campaigns,mogs and mounts, legendaries (acquisition was bad tough), introduction of M+… yeah it was all horrible, WoD and BfA were way better right ?
Ah you mean when I couldn’t fly and blizzard were set on to not allow us? If you are going to blame Legion for AP and borrowed power grinds, its hypocritical to not blame WoD for Pathfinder.