That’s a biased opinion aboot the current state of the game and why many players are being frustrated. In my opinion, the max level progression systems introduced with Legion are showing their limits and are actually frustrating, which pushes players away to games which do not feature such systems.
The first reason being that most of specs feel incomplete unpon reaching max level. From Vanilla up to WOD, we knew how our main spec would play, how it’s working, what talent should we pick in a given situation, what spell should we be using, what professions could make a difference on my spec.
That was nice, we knew exactly how to build our characters, we only had to pay attention aboot gear. That’s it, just that.
Now, since Legion, our specs are not complete upon capping at max level. That was true during legion when some traits were mandatory to empower our artifact weapon spell, like enabling wake of ashes to generate 5 holy power upon cast. Withtout that trait, the spec had a slow pace in terms of rotation and would actually feel incomplete without. Not to mention other traits which are also good spec upgrades.
Because we had AP, we could not unlock most of traits right away, it took some time in order to do so, but my point still stand : Most of specs were not complete upon reaching level max during Legion. And I’m not even mentionning Legiondaries, which are another layer of system to build our spec upon.
We can sadly repeat the process for BFA and SL, in which specs are not complete upon caping at max level, because we had to build azerite and essences for BFA and conduits, renown, legendaries and conduits for SL.
Those layers of systems are the reasons why specs are not complete at launch and require more time spent to upgrade those things and to properly build in X or Y situation.
The second point is the way of progressing at level max.
In fact, people were upset aboot AP being an infinite grind during Legion because that kills the idea of being done and actually requires players to log in every single day so they don’t miss on every single bit of AP they could get. The artifact traits were fine on their own, but they were gated behind AP wall, which made the system bad. I’m not going to mention legiondaries which were all aboot RNG drops and that sucked hard, because looting unwanted legendaries was not satisfying, because I would rather drop a good legendary over an useless one.
BFA azerite armors were a bis repetita from artifact traits, ie traits being locked behind an AP wall, so that an higher ilvl piece of gear could end up not being an upgrade because I couldn’t activate traits on the new piece of gear. Fortunately, they fixed that in 8.1 but they should have fixed that at launch.
Sadly, BFA also featured another layer of system, which are essences. And I do think that’s the worst system ever made because not only it had an AP wall, it also forced players into content they may dislike, like arena players being forced to raid and M+ runners being forced to participate in PVP activities, more esp when essences didn’t shine where we were getting them, like Blood of the ennemy being bis for melee in M+.
Now, here we are in SL. Fortunately, AP is now irrelevant but renown has a massive flaw, which is : players must stay up to date with their weeklies if they don’t want to rely on RNG to get more renown. 9.1 kinda corrected that but I do think that’s not enough, more esp for alts that haven’t step a foot in SL yet.
Also, legendaries can be worked towards without relying on RNG, which is an improvement. But not only they’re gated behind a timegated currency, they’re also behind a boring content, so they’re actually as bas as their RNG counter parts, for actually less impressive effects.
Lastly, conduits are SL’s worst system imho. I can’t ignore the fact that upgrading them is a tedious and boring process, requiring to participate into boring grinds only to then see that wrong conduits have been upgraded, let alone from the wrong spec. It took Blizzard 9 months to finally segregate conduit upgrades to spec only without realizing that the main issue has not been fixed yet, ie conduits upgrades being RNG.
Because of those wrongly designed systems and frustrating ways of acquisitions, players are leaving the game to games that don’t feature such hostile system.
One might say that he’s enjoying the game because he does not pay attention to those systems. Fair enough. But if the game is enjoyable by not paying attention to systems, then might aswell remove those alltogether.
TLDR : Ever since legion, blizzard introduced systems to replace what we lost during Legion’s pruning. Instead of just paying attention to talents, we now have dozen of layers of systems to pay attention at. The game systems also have frustrating ways of acquisition, which then push players away from the game, out of frustration.