It's true, Horde are the better PvP players

When someone creates a character, but they choose Horde, they magically transform into this leet god pvper that has all his attacks macro’d and weakaura’s written specifically designed for every single counter. Even has multiple action bars out of nowhere.

When someone chooses Alliance, they magically get 60 iq and are bad at the game.

But somehow this magically changes in WotLK when humans get every man to himself, hmm very strange… very strange indeed.


That’s unironically what most spergs believe in this forum.

Especially those who were stuck at 1.3k arena rating for 11 years on retail. They all think they became PvP gods when they made that orc shaman.


well i’m glad you’ve come to terms with reality, OP.

just nerf the shamans and horde pvp racials and observe…

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“lets make faction-specific sweeping nerfs and see what happens”
dude you’re actually the worst. you aren’t being clever and you aren’t being funny.

imagine if people were parading to nerf alliance and paladins all day every day, which by the way, is something that should totally be happening.
paladins are absurd strong when played correctly and arguably their ability to stall a flag solo for 10 seconds without counterplay needs to be nerfed, honest to god.

There is some truth in the idea that Horde players tend to be slightly better at the game in some cases. Specifically players who want to min-max (“Try Hard”) the game are drawn towards the races with more powerful racial abilities. So it stands to reason this type of player will do a bit extra work to also play better / watch guide / use macros / addons etc that are beneficial.

Of course this isn’t the same for all plays, I probably try harder than the average alliance player but just prefer the alliance.

But it won’t ever change, I saw a post on twitter from one of the classic devs/designers stating the human racial for reputation is powerful enough to be considered good enough alone even if they give all races 2 +5 weapon skills meaning Humans unique for that racial.

While trying to not be rude, equating an ability that simply speeds up a process to an ability that just gives raw power (e.g. Rep Racial VS Orcs Rage Racial) is a concept I wouldn’t expect any to entertain for the simple reason that the racial becomes pointless once you are Exalted with all required reps, but here we are in the golden age of game design…

hence the ungodly amount of nelf hunters around atm.
its not a horde-only thing anymore when it comes to racials (arguably never were, but for the sake of argument i’ll let you have it)… ever since sniper training was changed to to sync with shadowmeld the alliance now have the best race/class combo in the game.

nothing says “balanced” like being instantly clipped from 100-0 literally out of nowhere, by an untargetable, invisible entity.

bro 25% stun resistance and fear cleansing doesn’t even come close to comparing how broken OP that is.

yo alliance have lost all their rights to complain about racials until this one is addressed. new forum rule.

Ah someone who has tried multiple times, but never managed to level a hunter all the way up, I’ll to take your word for it :sweat_smile:

I’ve always played melee characters, mainly rogue and now warrior, so the Orc and Troll racial abilities where always such a big boost vs what the alliance had. +5 weapon skill on humans was always still pretty good, but apparently every race will get that in Phase 4 so human are left with a small bit of stealth vision and rep gain and Orc Warriors become even better!

No problem, delete shadowmeld if Orc resist stun and Undead anti fear are gone. Its a good trade

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perception is a racial horde rogues/druids frequently complain about.
once you realize that human rogues have better stealth detection combined with nelves having an increased level of stealth (shadowmeld), you’ll quickly realize that alliance are the clear winners when it comes to rogues and winning the stealth fight.

dwarf having the ability to remove bleeds (and poisons) is also huge as a rogue.

its very cringe that people always forego the advantages alliance races have, even right now with nelf hunters being downright OP, all they do is scream “hardiness omg”

btw that “orc rage” you’re referring to… i hope you aren’t referring to blood fury, because that racial is a suicide button and everyone knows it.
you’d have to be pretty flatheaded to use it unless you are playing solo as a warrior/rogue or something. its a great way of telling the healer never to heal you without directly telling him so.

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hardiness and wotf have been in the game for 20 years. shadowmeld/sniper training is unique to SOD and clearly a result of the devs not using their dookers when designing the rune.

the devs are usually a couple of weeks or even months behind when it comes to balancing the game, and i dare say the current incarnation of shadowmeld/sniper training won’t live too much longer once the devs catch wind of it.

unless they actually saw a nelf 100-0 someone out of shadowmeld in pvp and went “yeah that’s good, greenlight it”.

I think there is something to be said about players not only doing a single activity though. When picking your race, many players are considering Raiding and PvP. For Orcs Bloodfury is great for PvE, Hardiness is great for PvP, +5 weapon skill for Axes is good for Both, so a lot of warriors are drawn to Orc when wanting to pick “the best” all round class.

So I feel my point still stands, many players who are more “try hard” at the game are drawn to the horde for generally better all round races compared to Alliance (maybe outside of Gnomes +5% int for PvE which is pretty good for casters).

Then again it might be just my personal experience over the years, I normally main Alliance but spent a good few years maining on Horde and always found Alliance players on average to be the more casual types where as the average horde player tends to put more time and effort into the game. I’ve always drawn to the conclusion that the racials tend to attract players trying to min-max!

You could reroll and become a god like you said, but you refuse, today you humble me brother.

i didn’t roll paladin even when they were given to horde because paladins are cringe.
paladins were cool in warcraft 3… then actual humans from the real world were put behind the screen and the paladin class became cringe.

when i see a human paladin in game, i imagine an ecstatic 9 year old ADHD’ing in his seat swinging a plastic sword screaming cringe uther/arthas lines irl while slamming the HoJ button well before even getting into range.

I had a frkend who mained paladin for 20 years and he actually uses lay on hands on me, but he quit after phase 1. We would wipe 3 to 4 horde with the two of us, good times.

But your comment sounds like a whine, and you let it control you. You dont actually think that, you think you’d get associated with those people, thats why you avoid playing one. Yet you want to…

a whine? really? bro its just objective reality. its what i see through the veil, through the smokescreen if you will, of the in-game world.

i know there’s some loser behind every character i see, its just that paladins are a special case.

i don’t get the same impression when i see mages or warlocks, so you tell me, am i just paranoid or is there some truth to what i am saying?
because i dare guess that i am not alone in this.

the first thing you’ll be told when using it in pve is not to use it.
alliance takes on bloodfury are always so out of touch.

Well every warrior guide has it in the rotation and just assumes you are playing orc as a warrior, so I feel like most people will end up using it including the top parsing warriors on Logs!

that’s from the standpoint of a warrior playing solo.
its the only scenario where this racial is beneficial, because warriors can’t heal themselves… well, now they can with victory rush and frenzied regeneration, but those are both flat percentage based, so i don’t know if they are affected by blood fury the same way as normal healing… i could imagine that they are, though.