So, as a vanilla onwards player of the same class & spec, for the first time in my raiding life I’ve been removed from my long time guild group due to low single target damage on mythic progression.
You guys have no right to mess with my spare time activity with such terrible tuning. You can actually check warcraftlogs and see that this is not only a L2P issue.
I get it that you can’t fix gameplay fast, but you have the data - and can fix single target damage with just a hotfix.
Buff shadow single target, and fix the bugs with screams of the void. This is bordering customer mistreatment to ignore such problems.
Well What do you guess when blizzard did something and shadow did plummet for it down a lot of places.
I think they are still on holiday breaks Instant Mind Blast gets removed if you are casting Mind blast which is also code of bad bug.
Its a bugg tho Priest currently has loads of them. I’m sure they will get to it as usual by season 4 when they fix all their classes and specs for the expack.
[Shadowy Insight] is this talent bugged because during a cast of mind blast during the cast it procs for me and it gets removed anyone else getting these bugs?
It’s because Blizzard Removed Mind sear a thing we used for clearing small frys that dies to fast for us to dots and made it in to a spender.
Then they removed our unlimited dot spread and made it in to a skill shot and the cherry on top this version
sucks kind of its there its just very Astoundingly bad design blizzard will have to fix this in the next expack.
I kind of understand that they kick shadow this expack its to much of a RNG fiesta deciding if our dps should be good or not it feels like your playing