I've had Horde Assassin for days now can't get rid

This is not a boast, very much a first world problem

I don’t have it on this class I have it on my disco priest, and there’s not enough alliance. So I don’t die 2 v 1, let alone 1 v 1

At the same time I don’t like walking around with a giant target on my back

Also killing yourself doesn’t get rid of it :frowning:

Sounds like a bug, let Blizz know.

Most likely a bug. I already lost it when switching zones or relogging

Are you referring to the Bounty debuff or the Assassin debuff? Because you can’t be tracked with an Assassin debuff. As for both, you lose them after either switching the warmode off or relogging. If neither works, then it’s indeed a bug and I suggest contacting a GM about it.

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