Izo the grand splicer tremor slam bugged

Tremor slam dealing damage outside of its 12 yard radius

Correct me if I am wrong, because I am also having trouble to heal that boss…

This is what the description says :

Izo uses her mastery of alchemical transformation to assume the form of a Nerubian Lord.

She then slams the ground with all her might, inflicting 1441564 Nature damage to all players and an additional 4324693 Nature damage to players within 12 yards.

So the way I understand it, those 12 yards are the circle around the boss. If you are in it, you get 1-shot. Everyone outside receives damage too.

So from the description it seems to me its working right. Or did I misunderstand something ?

generally city of thread is hard to heal

I had the same thoughts that the slam was bugged after it bricked our 7+ sadge

After practicing the boss for a bit I reached the following conclusion :

So there is only 1 hard part, which is the slam. Not because it does a lot of damage, but because it overlaps with a nasty dot called “splice”.

The other transformations don’t do anything of importance.

So basically, you need enough gear to heal through the Splice on your own. And by “heal” I mean people not dying. Even if they end at 10% HP.

But when she will transform to the beetle, you pop CDs to pump HPS like a madman + DDs have to cycle personal defensives.

To achieve that people need to stack on the tank and move as a group. Which usually is not the case in these keys.

So basically its a scripted boss. You have to execute the strategy perfectly as a team or you wipe.

As for the blob boss right before that, the difficulty healing it depends on if DDs let some balls through or not. Many simply intersect them all because its the obvious thing to do. But if they do that, the nasty heal absorb + extra damage can become dangerous.

So im waiting for some pros to put out a tech that explains how many orbs one should pick up, and how many of them should pass through.

Maybe im wrong. I accept suggestions here… :slight_smile:

Slam is not bugged, it deals Damage to everyone, but pretty much just one shots who ever stands inside the Displayed AoE.

Give it’s overlap with Splice, which on higher keys can easily just tick for 1 Mill and then you get hit for like 3 Million Slam is absolutly unreasonable design.

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very wrong sorry to inform, ill just pass down the general message

Blizzard a big F.U. on this one, you trade to make the same bullcrap as Lord Chamberlane in halls of attonment but you failed BIG time, not only we have triple the mechanics but they happen so fast its ridiculous, this is not group friendly or pug friendly, hell its not even pre-made friendly what in the actual hell is this ??? just compare this to other m+ you had in the past and count how many abilities and how fast they happen and how fast their animations are, im tired of having good groups disband here bcs its borderline impossible if u dont get there with 10 Battle resses avaiable, even then its a 10% chance you finish

They nerfed the dot duration. Not only does it do 33% less overall damage and DDs wont end up with such low HP before the stomp, but in addition now it dosent overlap with the stomp at all.

So its significantly easier. And DDs can cycle deff CDs for the stomp.

And not everything needs to be “group friendly”. And by the way, I trade 10000 million times over THESE scripted and predictable mechanics, to random “tough on you !” mechanics like in S3 of DF (EB and ToT come to mind).

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