In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Jaedenar in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Bornwild - Night elf druid
I’m looking for Draelan, human mage (mostly fire while lvling if I remember right).
Had lots of fun questing and outdoor pvping. We teamed up in Lakeshire and ended up questing together even after both of us reached lvl 60. Unfortunately I migrated to another realm with friends and lost all contact with that OP mage. I’m sure he remembers leveling up his toon with the help of a green-haired feral druid 
Gnome mage.
Was so long ago. I’m thinking Exitium and Unity maybe? Was this the realm we did AQ opening on?
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Night Elf Druid (Alliance/Realm first Heart of the Wild recipe … made me rich that did)
Pretty in Pink (with all the little Barbas) & Unity (under the leadership of SrjSilver)
Played a few different servers so not sure this is it. But played a dorf hunter named Dapeed. guilds were: Memento Mori - Warrior Kitens - Turtle. pls reply if some1 remember thoose guilds so i can tune in on right server 
Yo! Piestalker
I remeber you - we played together in Outbreak, I was a shaman named Divinas. Later I moved to Jaedenar to join Unity, under the same name
Snowfall - Night Elf Priest
Played with Exitium until AQ Gates opened then joined Unity under SrjSilver for AQ/Naxx until I stopped playing.
Ankhu - Shaman
Mdalmighty - Paladin
Anyone from the guild Lokum that was created in TBC.
Srjsilver i remember you. i was Xenyas UD Mage in Plan C (Horde) JowettLad#1471
I remember you too! I Played during burning crusade in Unity, as a Draenei Shaman Divinas. Are you playing classic now? Which serv/faction?
I played on this realm as Celicia, in the guild Faith 
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Harlock from Unity here any of you pink wearing mongos playing classic ? 
Imogen from Unity here, recently started up some Horde characters on Classic during this lockdown period. Shoutout to my fellow druids Moffe, Honeybunny & Manifold from the guild back then.
I remember you too! Was a shaman, Divinas. I’m playing Horde on Mirage Raceway at the moment and having fun 
I recall your character name, we probably only played about 6 months or so together I’d reckon. I think we got to Lady Vashj & Kael’thas Sunstrider when it hit me I personally wasn’t at the level Unity was at given the -15 raid spots from vanilla it was more noticeable and I think that was my last time there.
I’m enjoying classic as it’s a nostalgia trip but way too many boosting services & of course bots about. Got a 38 Hunter / Mage on Razorgore EU atm.