Jenafur ....were are you?

So this pet is the 8.2 or 8.2.5 hidden pet, that nobody knows were it is or how to get it. But some people already got it (if i were to believe it)…according to wowhead.

In wowhead there is a half-baked guide, with no “exact” path in how to get it.

It’s now 8.3…soon to get the pre-patch for the next expansion…so were is Jenafur? How do you get it?

Is there a guide on this? (not wowhead…wowhead its either missing A LOT of information or its not updated)

If there are people in this forum who already got it…please tell me how…or write a guide about it.

Thank you!

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I’m guessing you are trolling, because i said “not wowhead”.
And the reason for it is because it’s only half-baked, meaning it has a section that contains future possible steps that they are unsure of the order and specific details on.

Ah sorry i must have skimmed over that part.

But everything known is in that guide, and it links to the secret finding discord where you’re most likely to find the kind of people who are ahead, so i don’t really know what else you’d expect to find.

That discord is the place to go if you can’t wait for a wowhead post once people figured out the exact route.

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This hasn’t been discovered yet.

My understanding is the people that have this requested it via make a wish.

The guys who deal with this types of “secrets” have this page:

From my knowledge, nobody in this game has this pet, at least now. Anyway, the first ones who will get it will be the guys who “hunt” these secrets.
They are a very organised group that search and hunt and pay a lot of attention to every detail im this game. On their page, they have also a discord server where anyone is free to join.
My suggestion is to have patience. It’s just a matter of time until they unlock the secret of Jenafur.

they been stuck at same place for months now, been my self trying to figure it out also, and none of us has got it yet, so new brains would be a welcome site.

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