I’ve seen it in-game a couple times. I wondered how to get it and i looked it up people say you need to buy it from the store from blizzard but i cant find it anymore. Did they remove it? or what happened to it. I really want it
They have removed it for the time being.
You used to be able to buy it on the shop but they did that “farewell for now” deal and took it off.
Did they really? I am glad I bought it then lol
Yes, they did. They may bring it out of the vault every once in a while for a “buy this now before it becomes unavailable again” deal.
Ok thanks guys!
I see they removed the grinning reaver mount as well. Not sure if that is permanent.
Even the “see you later bundle” said that those items can come back in the future.
But this decision really upset me, why removing something, when the only condition to acquire is to pay for it. They created urge for players to buy it by making limited bundle and then removing it from the store. That was money-grabbing decision
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