Jewlecrafting in TWW, Crushed Gemstones are a problem

Crushed Gemstones are a horrible bottleneck for jewelcrafters at the moment, each gem/gear takes 20-25 to craft.

To get 1-3 crushed gemstones you need to use 3 gems and 10 bismuth, to be able to craft 1 gem i need to on average (from my own experience) destroy 30 gems and 100 bismuth. why is the ore even a part of this process? like jewelcrafters already have to prospect ore for gems, the crushed gemstones should not involve ore and if it had to, why is it 10?

There is a passive way to get crushed gemstones, but it will cost you 30kp to get into the tree and even then it’s quite a small chance, my current average is roughly 3 crushed gemstones per 100 ore. Also another problem, why is the prospecting tree locked behind 10 points of shaping? shaping should have been it’s own tree as should prospecting.

i get you can use the AH to get the mats, but a profession should be able to be reasonably self sufficient, I shouldn’t have to mine for about 3-4 hours to get the ore + gems to prospect/crush for a single non-epic gem. also doesn’t help that the AH was dead in the water for a week.


I usually make JC my main profession in expansions.

Not this time. It’s just an annoyance. Gems don’t even sell for that much despite their insane material requirements. I feel like I’m trashing ore for peanuts.


Prospecting is worse.

You can literally prospect a full 3 star stack of any ore type and only get 4-5 gems.

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jewelcrafting feels so bad at the moment, only alchemy is close, but at least that makes potions and flasks that are somewhat useful

most of these problems are caused by alchemical nonsense called thaumaturgy and tranmutations.The alt armies are destroying tons of quality 1 base materials and their price is kept at a tenth of what it should be and this also applies to the ore that is being prospected.Alchemy is destroying all other professions and Blizzard is doing nothing about it.
Moreover, it ruins the system of patron orders, where there are absurd prices thanks to it, when often the price of one of the basic things is in the thousands.

Blizzard should immediately add a cooldown on all these unbalancing things destroying and removing core material from the system w/o any return.

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With the current cost of Bismuth in the auction house and not wanting to spend hours and hours mining I’m finding it really difficult to justify pursuing Jewelcrafting at all, and even when you manage to produce a gem there are hardly any gear items that actually contain sockets anyway. Enchanting is so much better in comparison. Feels like the balance between professions is seriously askew.

Now we can at least get the Storm Dust through Gleaming Shatter without paying the white out the eyes for them. Still the prices for Storm dust is kept high, maybe many buy the cheaper ones and resell them for 50-55g a piece.

Patron orders for jc often require you to use several crushed gemstones which atm are 67g for ONE. One not too advanced gemstone requires 20-30 of them, which is then a fortune for something small. It just seems quite unbalanced the amouts needed just to level JC.
More gemstones from Prospecting and a higher output of crushed gemstones from Crushing would be a welcomed improvement.

Trying out JC on an alt this morning, the materials costs are horrible.

Every +skill recipe needs 30 crushed gemstones, which is about 15 gems sacrificed, which is 15x5 = 75 successful prospects, but probably more like 100-150 ore because sometimes you seem to just get pebbles.

Then you need 8 of the actual gem you want to make, so another 40-80 ore, but since you can’t guarantee what you’ll get it could literally be hundreds to have enough of one type.

All to make 1 gem, which early on won’t be good quality and nobody will buy. Massive losses incurred.

I think I will settle for my JC being able to make rings for my warband. Down side, all the patron orders are for 3* gems which I physically cannot make…

Have you tried just buying the materials on the auction house?

I have two Jewelcrafters. One specialized in rings/amulets and profession tools and one specialized in gems.

My gem crafter (using a multicraft tool) buys all the required materials (rank 2) from the auction house and crafts rang 3 Blasphemites (using concentration) with ~25% multicraft chance. Profit w/o multicraft should be 4k-5k per Blasphemite. With multicraft this can double or triple.
I also do a lot of PvP and send all the bloodstones I can buy with honor to him. I craft gems from the bloodstones and make ~5-6k profit per gem w/o multicraft. Again, with multicraft this can double or triple.

My ring/amulet/tool crafter (using an ingenuity tool) tries to complete as many public and personal orders (advertise in chat) as possible. Especially PvP rings/amulets can be profitable if you get back bloodstones or nullstones (ingenuity proc). Those I sell or send to my other Jewelcrafter to recycle.

Jewelcrafting can be lucrative. Try to maximize concentration, maximize multicraft and ingenuity chance on your profession gear and buy mats from the auction house instead of farming ore yourself.

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While your process makes good sense, it is alas too late for me. At least for a few weeks.

Crushed gems are silly prices whenever I look :pensive:

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