Jocy_com text to speech not working anymore?


I am visually impaired, so when couple years back someone told me about this jocy_com text to speech app+addon that can read quest texts and stuff i cant see well enough to read, i was very happy. Once again i had access to quest texts i cant read due my retinal problems.

Been away for some time now, and after updating all addons and stuff to be on date, i tried once again launching the text to speech monitor which opened like always, but after running WOW and clicking quest giver, the speech is no longer heard. In fact the speech does not work on anything anymore.

It used to read quest texts, chat messages, emotes and NPC chat bubbles and stuff like that so i know what NPC and people are talking or what people are talking in the guild chat and so forth.

Has there be some change to WOW client, that makes this addon and similar broken? Because these things are vital to visually impaired players to play the game on its full potential. Without quest texts, im just slaying stuff and collecting stuff for no apparent reason… Unless there is voiced quest which is still too rare in World of warcraft.

If Blizzard has done something purposedly to prevent this addon from working, they better make this option to their own accessibility options as a built in feature or if it is not intended, it needs some fixing on Blizz side.

I know addons are not normally Blizzards interests. If it brokes, someone can make new or people can stop using it, right? Accessibility options/addons are bit different in my opinion, since accessibility stuff is required for people with certain disabilities like visual impairment and stuff.

This really should be an default option in Blizzards own accessibility options. Text to speech systems are extremely easy to make these days and do not require expensive development… Unless you want to do something bigger than just text to speech. Im fine with having just text to speech. I dont need nothing more glorious like different sounds for all NPC and such. Just like jocy_com addon/app does, a single voice for male and single voice for female. Thats it.


Apparently the addon is not working for 8.2 version of WoW, but I could not figure out why… or whether or not the author is planning to update it. I found a somewhat similar addon called WoW Quest Text Reader from Curbits Software, but it seems to only work for quest text and objectives AND the last update was apparently in Legion. (The addon’s author suggests checking the option to load out of date addons, but I have no idea if it would work with BFA.)

That said, the fact that there is no default option for text-to-speech functionality in WoW is pretty damn disheartening. If you haven’t already, I would suggest making a post in the Customer Support or Technical Support subforums.

I really hope you will get the addon working!

Apparently that patch changed needed text channels encrypted which made it impossible to monitor them with third party software.

At least the NPC channels should not be encrypted so the addon would work or they really should include text to speech as core feature to the game. If an outside party can do it as a free addon and software, they can do it as well with litle cost.

Would really be great addition to accessibility options.

I made another post of the issue tofday too, because i could not reply to my own post without someone participating it first, so i thought it had been lost in the noise of other posts that speak for bigger audience.

Anyway. Thanks for reply and interest in the matter. I shall at least make a ticket about this i think. Maybe that support forum would be good as well.

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