Join bg to heal met with negativity

Unrated normal bgs are not for gearing up, its in fact the WORST way to gear up because honor gear is trash. ITs obviously very stupid, but thats the reality right now, they exist basically for doing a quick daily or testing specs. You should almost never random bg at all unless for daily as its always better to yolo rbg for conquest and honor if your gearing.

IF you are joining in <200 gear, especially as a dps, you are complete deadweight and the only way you will win a game is by being carried by people in your team who are actually geared. I can literally go into any normal bg, compare the gear between teams and know the outcome 90% of the time.
Gear just matters that much this season, it doesnt matter how good you are, you could be a rank 1 gladiator but if your in blues your going to be 2 shot by any well geared dps, and you wont even have enough dmg to break a well geared disc priests shield.

If you want to waste everyones time including your own by doing normal bgs than go ahead, i cant imagine your having much fun and its got a terrible return for honor, so good luck getting any type of gear.

Thats by far the most effective way to gear, if your ever queing a random normal bg in bad gear you are making your life so much harder, trolling your team, likely losing a lot of games and sinking in hours and hours for base gear that is literal trash and matched by 2 hours of doing a campaign.
you do ebgs as you can at least be somewhat useful, by getting vehicles or doing objectives.

Random normal bgs are NOT for gearing up

Your comment has just made me want to put on my lowest ilvl gear and do it even more now, because it pisses people like you off so much.


That they are not effective to gear up in I can agree with. But what else are they there for? For 226 geared players? Don’t think so.

It’s unrated content, one of the three options to do to get Honor. So yes, random normal bgs are (also) simply there to gear up in, whether YOU agree with it or not.

Says who!?
All I subbed for was bg’s.
It’s how I levelled my char’s & spent 99% of gametime playing.

It wasn’t a waste of time until recently.
…& it was never about ‘return for honour’ or getting ‘any type of gear’ -that’s not why I played.
I was bg’ing for the sport / sheer delight of it.


Like i said, i compare the gear at the start of the game, if i have more than 2 people in blues i just insta leave and que an alt till i have a team with gear advantage and get a free win, your only wasting your own time. My last game was again 4 people <24k hp, we fast capped and won in 3 mins.

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An achievement you should tell people of, often.


ITs not like im boasting, its to point out the stupidity of current bgs, its just a cointoss at the start of every game - did i get unlucky and end up with more blue geared and <200 ilvl dps than the enemy.
But if your having fun getting farmed by geared players then go for it and enjoy yourself, as someone who just leveleed a dps alt even at 200ilvl in a bg i found it frustrating, pointless and i had next to no impact on the game, i realised its not worth doing till i get at least 207 or higher ideally.

I know, ‘twas just banter.

Yeh that was me months ago.
So I shelved my ‘main’ & levelled alts (through bg’s). Now they’re doing the inevitable honour grind so can empathise with how painful & demoralising & it can be, fighting an uphill battle whilst getting abuse from elitist types.
But I remember when it was fun.

So, you’re not only a lazy selfish person but a annoying lazy selfish person?

You’ve been informed you’re gearing up the worst possible way but you also have not bothered unlocking your covenant powers making your char even weaker and a bigger burden.

Geh i wonder why you are getting so much “hate” in bgs.

Funny, I was top healing with 4 KBs yesterday in 174 ilvl gear.

I perform quite well, I could use less of the hate though :point_up_2:

Well as a healer with low ilvl your double the toxcicity sponge than you would be if you had qued as a dps. A bg needs their healers to stay alive during the big fights, And if your Ilvl is low, there is not enough peeling in all of WoW that can save you from all the one shots coming your way. And the Bg more or less have one less healer to count on.

Just completely ignore toxic players like this. Some people will try and act elitist in a random BG and it’s really not the place for it. A random BG is the definition of casual gaming and everyone is welcome to join at any skill level or gear state.

I know I add massive value in a random BG and I take them completely seriously because that’s what I find fun to do and I’ll always sweat out a win if I can even when I’m well geared and have nothing to gain from them.

However a lot of people will join a bg to just farm kills or run around offering very little etc and it can a bit frustrating.

Poorly geared players (especially healers) can still add value if played intelligently, and if not then it’s still their right to play without receiving hate anyway.

People need to remember it isn’t the players fault either, it’s purely the game design that needs addressing if you find this such an issue.

Edit: also I think player frustration is higher this expansion because of the absolutely huge gear gap caused by shocking state of PvP design and the fact WoW pvp is so so so unfriendly for casuals or alts AND the impact of rating boosting being worse than it’s ever been.

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Im the toxic one? I am not the one joining BGs the second I hit 60 because I know its a miserabel experience for me and my team.

I think people more wanna kick you because you are a male draenei

Its unwritten rule

Of course you can join random bgs in whatever gear you like, and nobody should insult your for it.
But there’s simply no good reason to do so before you got at least the covenant gear. You need to do the covenant campaign anyways to upgrade your pvp gear to 197, so why not just start with that.

If you join a bg in 150-180 gear, you re not helpful to the team, its like playing with one player less. It shouldn’t be like that, but it is what it is for now.

Nope.Its actually 197 ilvl,and even then,you cant get full 197 ilvl gear,because of trinkets,rings and neck.

With fully finished covenant quest line,you end up with 185 ilvl gear.

That kind of exaggeration is what gives bad impression,and demotivates players.

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This topic is golden example what a trash gearing system shadowlands has.

Just bring back template from legion or something, not perfect but better than this heap of tire fire.

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