Join the Fun of the Community Discords Program

You know all of the stuff about negativity towards bliz was taken out of the contracts right? There’s no stipulations at all on the members of the discords and what they can or can’t say, the only thing they state is that owners of establishments cannot outright lie about things to do with blizzard.

Also the monitoring stuff has been blown ridiculously out of proportion. It can’t see who types what, it can’t even see what messages people are typing and it doesn’t have access to all channels. It measures the frequency of a few keywords, that’s it.

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Another one was that he’s my brother or something :smile:

I think my favourite meme is that I have a direct line to Ion.

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The whole point of the programme is to get another form of feedback going. Because the forums is only a small percentage of the playerbase. They obviously watch other sites online like Reddit/Twitter/Twitch/YouTube etc.

In return those discords get rewards in the form of giveaways etc, they are encouraged to engage with their communties, run events etc. It’s a really nice thing IMO.

But people just want to bash. I can also understand that people may be skeptical but the proof will be showing how it works in these communities.

Instead of a batphone you’ve got an Ionphone… eww :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

But can you call him and tell him to make sure invincible drops for me on my next run I’m getting bored of ICC now and also remind him to keeps souls chance of HH mount at zero with hallows end coming up…

Tbf the first iteration of that contract was awful! It did basically give the gist of “We will own your discord and if you don’t do exactly what we want we will shut you down and sue you!!” and for most people who don’t have lawyers or speak lawyer it was stupid on Blizzards part and the revised version wasn’t much of a fix.

Even big discords refused to have anything to do with it because they saw the huge red flags it came printed on.

We are allowed to bash something that was that big of a failure on Blizzards part, they have a PR team and a marketing team and lawyers and still thought that was a good idea to release to an already dissatisfied playerbase who feel ignored over their US counterparts.

You can also see the positives in it without being attacked by the vendetta brigade who are green over the green :smile:

I am pretty sure I also criticised the first version after it came to light what was in it. But all that is conveniently forgotten. I stand by thinking the idea was a nice one even if the contract needed an overhaul at that point.

It looked like standard blizz contract amended for the programme and it clearly wasn’t quite going to work. They listened to feedback and tweaked it but the perception that you can’t criticise Blizzard has stuck even though you are allowed to criticise the game etc.

It’s why I compared it to Elon saying he was going to remove block. He can’t remove block but I’m still seeing people talk about it on my timeline who clearly don’t realise he can’t do that. It’s not going to be removed even if he wanted to.

That part is understandable.
But with so few signups; they’re better off promoting (and making use of) their actual forums and maybe even offering some ingame incentives for joining up and posting.


Whilst it would always be nice to see more posters on the forums, I do understand that a lot of the rewards are orientated around those communities running events and initiatives. That’s not very practical to arrange or manage via the forums.

Discord is probably the most used voice and discussion platform when it comes to the game.

Would be lovely if you got something in game for being active here. Is a lovely idea.

You’re actually allowed to criticise blizzard too, what you can’t do is make stuff up for the purpose of defamation (So slander). It also literally only applies to the person who signs it, so it’s more about videos / statements made by content creators not about what any individual says or does in one of their discords.

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Yes exactly :+1:t3:

Enough advertising? Embarrassing…

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Ironic that this is exactly what Ellipsìs and I have been saying. But if I say anything, it’s that I’m defending the programme. If anyone else says it, it’s amazing.

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I guess funkykittie doesn’t understand how hypocritic she is being in her post.

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I am not allowed to speak about it anymore under threath of getting banned. So, hey. You win.

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The fact that we are making the same point that people can voice their opinions freely is a win for all.

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